FiveShot - Secret Admirer (Part 2)

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It was another day the studio and Camilla was anticipating for another letter from her secret admirer. She kept tapping her pen during singing class. Leon tapped her shoulder and asked, "Is everything okay? You seem jittery."

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just waiting for something to come," she replied. She didn't want to bore Leon with the details since she knows that it wasn't the best subject to talk to him about. Plus he’d probably just start rolling his eyes. Leon nodded in understanding. The bell rang signaling the end of the period.

Camilla dashed out the classroom to get to her locker. She ransacked her book bag and locker not being able to find anything. She grumbled in frustration. Where is that letter?

Camilla came home, threw her backpack on the couch and went into the kitchen to get some tea. When she came back she took out her binder and was about to go over her notes when she spots a pink cardstock paper. She started to grin from ear to ear. It must be from her secret admirer. Camilla begins to wonder what the next letter in his name is. It reads:

E- Elegant

Inside and out. Beauty in others might be shown on the outside those we call hot and shown towards most people’s affection. On contrary would be the inside in which of those who are shy and of those who we have to break barriers to understand them. When I look at you, I see a bunch of color splashes and everything just coming at me at once because you are beautiful inside and out. Don't you ever forget that because I will remind you every day once we're together.

Camilla began to blush. Whoever it was is definitely trying to woo her and it's working.

Camilla's POV

So the guy has an O and an E in his name. It could be Diego or Leon but probably not. Or maybe it's Federico. Or any other guy in the school. There are so many people. It's still too early to tell. Can tomorrow come any faster?

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