FiveShot - Secret Admirer (Part 4)

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"Hey Cami. Your secret admirer wanted me to give you this," Federico handed Camila a note as he walked up to her. Camila swiftly turned around from her locker and gasped, "So you know who it is! Tell me who! Tell me!" she pleaded. She tore up the lavender envelope and read it aloud:

I- I Confess

Open this and you shall see

How I could never reach to thee

This is an open letter from my heart to you. I am writing this to tell you how I can never confess my feelings for you. For things will change and the outcome is unpredictable as the next guy that shall be hit with lightning. I fell for you as Hazel Grace fell for Augustus Waters, "slowly then all at once." These notes and poem are the only real connection I have with you until you figure out who I am. Do you want to know who I am? I am someone who will fight for you, comfort you and protect you at all costs because I strive to be your knight in shining armor. You deserve the best.

"Aww!" she pressed the note to her heart. Federico gave her a weird look. "He's perfect for me. I can’t wait to meet him once I find out who he is. I bet he's the sweetest guy on earth. He'll sweep me off my feet, which he kind of did already, but he'll also bring me flowers and –"

"Hate to rain on your parade," Federico interrupted, "But we got to get to class before you're late again." She nodded in agreement and followed him to class.


Thanks for reading!!

Lots of Love



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