FiveShot - Secret Admirer (Part 3)

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Camilla quickly dashed through the hallways to her locker. She woke up late in the morning and had no time to do her makeup and plan her outfit accordingly. She fumbled at her combination, getting more and more frustrated. When she finally got the door of the locker open, there was a blue piece of paper taped to the mirror. Camilla ignored it since it was fifteen minutes into the first period and Pablo would probably rap her knuckles with a ruler if it were still the 1950s. She'll come back for it later and quickly jetted off to the remainder of first period.

 Reluctant Camilla walked to her locker at the beginning of lunch. She was having a bad day and it was getting worse by the second. She opened up her locker and spotted the third note on her mirror. She had totally forgotten about it.

D- Dreamy

You are a lovely sight, force to be reckoned with.

 Your smile lights up all the stars of the night.

 How did something beautiful get put on a world where disasters are common?

 Where disappointments are around the corner?

 Where something so innocent can vanish in a matter of seconds?

 God took his time with you.

 Because you are oh so lovely.

 Camilla smiled. She could always count on Anonymous to bring her to a smile even in her darkest sorrows. She secretly wished the letters would never end but then she would never know who it's from. But at this moment she didn't care.

Camilla giddily walked outside to find only Federico sitting on a bench eating his lunch.

 "Hey," she greeted. Federico with his mouth stuffed with food nodded sup. Camilla's will power not to rant about her secret admirer was breaking. Violetta and Francesca weren't there and well, Federico isn't the best listener but he'll do for now.

 "I know it's probably the last thing you want to hear right now but if I don't talk to anybody about this I might explode."

 Federico took a second and shrugged why not. It's better than any silence.

 "Okay," Camilla smiled and enthusiastically continued to say, "My secret admirer is amazing. He's such a great writer and everything he writes makes me light up. Like honestly I don't care what he looks like. If he straight up right now admitted he was writing these and asked me out, it's an automatic yes."

 Federico sat uneasily. He swallowed his spit. He wanted to tell Camilla something but it would ruin everything.


Thanks for reading ;)

Lots of Love



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