Dieletta - Airport

551 11 9

"Quick, quick, quick!" Violetta was dragging her suitcase, her boyfriend close behind. "We're gonna miss the plane!"

"I'm hurrying!" He insists, shoving past various families and college students, old people and business men. "I swear!"

"Come on!" She leaps toward the counter. "Hi, we're here for flight 32A?"

The flight attendant (a 30-looking woman who obviously wasn't wearing a bra) frowns sympathetically at them. "I'm sorry," She cocks her head to the side, "That flight has already left, only minutes ago."

Violetta groans, and Diego sighs.

"Fine," He runs a hand through his disheveled hair. "How long until the next flight to Buenos Aires?"

The flight attendant, who, according to her name tag, is named Cherri (who names their kid Cherri?) quickly checks her computer. "Um, 7 tomorrow morning."

The pair both grunt, but nod, stalking off to the nearest group of chairs, and collapsing down in them.

"Well," He allows his head to loll back against the chair. "I guess we're stuck here for a while."

Violetta checks her watch. "It's 8. We'll be here for a good 11 hours."

They both groan.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat."



Diego and Violetta sit face-to-face on the floor, a deck of UNO cards they bought at a convenience store in the airport sitting in between them, sandwich wrappers and empty water bottles around the two.

"UNO." Violetta declares, setting down her second to last card with a sly grin.

Diego shuffles through his cards panicky. Not only does he have seven left, but absolutely nothing to match the card the brunette girl sitting in front of him dealt. He reluctantly draws another card from the small, neat stack beside the somewhat sloppy one: a green 4, not matching the horrible blue 8 sitting in front of him.

With a small laugh, Violetta lays out her final card: a blue 3.

"I win."



"You know what was the first thing I thought when I first saw you?" Diego asks dramatically.

Violetta snickers. "God, that woman wears a lot of pink?"

The duo, of course, are quoting Legally Blond 2 (the first one is way better, tbh); they're playing the Quote Game, a game they came up with while on holiday, where one of them says a quote to the other from a movie, book, or show, and the other has to reply with the dialogue that follows it up.

"After all this time?" She fiddles with the hem of her shirt.

He scoffs. "Always." He rolls his eyes. "That's an easy one." He ponders for a moment before retorting with, "This is weird."

She frowns. "U-um..."

"Yes!" Diego rolls out of his chair in excitement as he yelps from his victory. "You don't know it! It's from RENT!"

"What?" Violetta gasps. "What was I supposed to say?"

"It's weird!" He informs her. "It's from the Tango: Maureen!" He pumps his fist into the air. "I finally beat you!"

"Yeah, one time!"



"Are you sure there's no sooner flight?"

"Yes, sir, I'm positive."

"At all?"

"Not at all, no."



"Okay," Diego rubs the bridge of his nose. "What if we sang?"

Violetta frowns. "Why?"

He grunts. "Because I'm bored."

"For who?" She gestures towards all the others in the area with them; a young-looking business man on a cell phone and an arguing, old pair. "They don't exactly look like they'd enjoy a show."

He sighs dejectedly. "Fine."



"I hate this movie so much." Violetta laughs, huddling next to Diego above his laptop, where Lemonade Mouth plays.

"I'm sorry," He grumbles. "I downloaded it for my niece to watch, it's the only thing I have. Would you rather not watch anything at all?"

She shakes her head swiftly. "Lemonade Mouth is fine."



Violetta's sprawled out in the chair, Diego's sweater thrown over her body, snoring slightly as she sleeps, head on her boyfriend's chest as it rises and falls with his every steady breath.



"Why can't we be like those two anymore?" Helga Anguiano gestures toward the young, dark-haired couple sleeping across the room.

"It's called growing up, Helga!" Adam Anguiano retorts angrily. "Things changed! You turned into a bitch!"



Xavier Walt glances over at a young couple sleeping, limbs intertwined, nearby. It makes him miss his girlfriend, Lucia, even more, and yearn for the plane to arrive even faster so he can see her.



Cherri Ramirez snears as she eyes the annoying couple as they slumber across the room. Wait until they get married and have kids; then they won't be so peaceful. Those breasts won't be so perky anymore.



Violetta awakens with too little sleep, her neck sore and her limbs stiff. She checks her watch to see their wait is almost over. She shrugs, laying her head back down and drifting back to sleep.



Diego drearily opens his eyes, his girlfriend passed out next to him, her head and arm resting on him. He wants to let her sleep more, but more and more people are piling into the room, and the plane will be coming soon. He nudges her awake and she blinks drowsily, eyelids heavy.

"Hm?" She mumbles.

"We get to go on the plane soon." He informs her. "You can sleep then."

She nods, rubbing her eyes. "Okay."

She asks for his carry-on bag so she can find a tissue, and he grants her access, totally forgetting about something he put in there earlier until she lifts her head, looks at him seriously, and holds up the little god damn velvet box.

"Diego," She speaks very slowly. "What is this?"



Thanks for reading!!

Lots of Love



PS: I'm thinking of starting a new book. It'll probably be more on the dramatic side, tackling a serious topic: cancer. The couple/pairing will be Fedemilla (Obviously!! like I would write about anyone else :D )

Please tell me what you think about the idea!!

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