Chapter 6

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In Aladdin, Narrator's POV:

After eating half of the loaf, Aladdin hears trumpets signaling that another suitor has come to win Princess Jasmine's(Charlene) heart. After humiliating the prince and getting humiliated in return, Aladdin goes homes.

The next day, the suitor runs off in a hurry with parts of his pants ripped off. The Sultan walks to his daughter, Jasmine, to tell her off.

Sultan: "Jasmine! Jasmine!" As I call her name out, Rajah, her pet tiger, jumps in front of me with parts of the suitor's pants in his mouth. "Is this why the prince stormed off?"

Charlene: "Oh, father. Rajah was just playing with him. Weren't you, Rajah?" I say as I pet him. You were just playing with that overdressed, self-absorbed Prince Achmed, weren't you?" I laugh with Rajah. Fathers looks at me and I clear my throat.

Sultan: "Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every suitor who comes to call. The law says you must be married to a prince by your next birthday."

Charlene: "The law is wrong."

Sultan: "You've only got 3 more days."

Charlene: "Father, I hate being forced into this. If I do marry, I want it to be for love."

Sultan: "Jasmine, it's not only this law. I'm not going to be around forever, and, well, I... I just want to make sure you're taken care of. Provided for."

Charlene: "Please try to understand. I've never done a thing on my own. I've never had any real friends. Except you, Rajah. I've never even been outside the palace walls."

Sultan: "But, Jasmine, you're a princess."

Charlene: "Then maybe I don't want to be a princess anymore." 

The Sultan runs off in anger and disappointment. He stands by his tiny castle, as Jafar walks in. Jafar walks up and puts the Sultan under a trance so that the Sultan will give him the ring. Jafar, with the ring and Iago, goes up to his lair to find the diamond in the rough.

Late at night, Jasmine sneaks out the palace with Rajah's help. The next day, Jasmine arrives in the marketplace and is astounded by all of it. Aladdin and Abu trick a food vendor and steals a fruit so they have breakfast. As they eat, Aladdin spots Jasmine from the crowd. As Jasmine walks through the marketplace, she sees a poor boy reaching for an apple at a vendor. She picks one up and gives it to him. The man at the vendor asks if she has money, then Jasmine realizes her mistake and doesn't know what to do. Luckily, Aladdin saves her.

Maybeck: "Thank you, kind sir. I'm so glad you found her. I've been look all over for you."

Charlene:(Whispers) "What are you doing?"

Maybeck:(Whispers) "Just play along." 

Man: "You, uh, know this girl?"

Maybeck: "Sadly, yes. She is my sister. She's a little crazy."

Man: "She said she knew the sultan."

Maybeck: "She thinks the monkey is the sultan." 

Charlene: I play along and bow towards the monkey. "O wise Sultan, how may I serve you?" 

Abu acts like the sultan, playing his part.

Maybeck: "Tragic, isn't it? But no harm done. Now, come along, sis. Time to go see the the doctor."

Charlene: Looking at a camel, "Oh, hello, Doctor. How are you?"

Maybeck: "No, no, no. Not that one. Come on, Sultan." I turn around and see Abu bowing and things he stole fall we out. I take the girl's hand and start running with Abu following.

In his lair, Jafar and Iago work to figure out how to find the diamond in the rough with the king's ring. They figure it out soon enough and find the diamond in a rough with the princess. Jafar laughs and tells the guards to find him.

Charlene: "Oh, I want to thank you for stopping that man."

Maybeck: "Oh, it was nothing. So, today was your first day in the market place huh?"

Charlene: "Was it that obvious?"

Maybeck: "Well, you sorta stand out. I mean, uh, you don't seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be."

Charlene: "Hmm. I'm a faster learner."

Aladdin takes Jasmine to his home. It's not much, but it has a great view. Aladdin and Jasmine start a conversation and realize they have some things in common. 

Maybeck: "Huh, the palace looks amazing right?"

Charlene: "Oh, it's wonderful."

Maybeck: "I wonder what it would be like to live there, and have servants and valets."

Charlene: "Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress."

Maybeck: "It's better than here. You're always scraping for food and ducking the guards."

Charlene: "You're not free to make your own choices."

Maybeck: "Sometimes you feel so..."

Charlene: "You're just...

Together: "Trapped."

Maybeck: "So, where are you from?"

Charlene: "What does it matter? I ran away and I am not going back."

Maybeck: "Really? How come?"

Charlene: "My father's forcing me to get married."

Maybeck: "That's... That's awful." I see Abu trying to steal the apple I gave to the girl and pretend that Abu also cares for her. The girl and I flirt and we almost kiss, but some palace guards finds us.

Guard: "Here you are!" 

Maybeck and Charlene: "They're after me! They're after you?"

Charlene: "My father must have sent them..."

Maybeck: "Do you trust me?"

Charlene: "What?"

Maybeck: "Do you trust me?" 

Charlene: "Yes..." 

Maybeck: "Then... Jump!"

Aladdin and Jasmine jump and try to run, but they do not escape the guards. The guards grab Aladdin and almost leave, but Jasmine reveals her identity and tell the guards to let him go. But the guards are under Jafar's orders so they can't. Aladdin is shocked that the girl is Princess Jasmine. Aladdin is in the dungeon and Jasmine goes to speak a word to Jafar.

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