Chapter 10

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In Aladdin, Narrator's POV:

Jafar exits his lair as Princess Jasmine asks why he had Aladdin locked up. He explains and tells Jasmine he plans to have Aladdin 'killed'. She is then sad, runs to her fountain, and starts to cry. Her tiger tries to cheer her up. 

Charlene: "It's all my fault. I didn't even know his name."

In the dungeon, Aladdin is beating himself up for being stupid with the princess.

Maybeck: "She was the princess. I can't believe it. I must have sounded so stupid to her." I hear Abu calling for me. "Abu. Down here. Come on, help me out of these." I say to him as he approaches me. But Abu starts screeching at me for talking with the princess. "Hey, she was in trouble. Ah, she was worth it. Don't worry, Abu. I'll never see her again. I'm a street rat, remember? And there's a law. She's gotta marry a prince. She deserves a prince." Ah, I'm free from those cuffs. "I'm a fool."

Mysterious Man: "You're only a fool if you give up, boy."

Maybeck: "Who are you?"

Mysterious Man: "A lowly prisoner, like yourself. But together, perhaps we can be more."

Maybeck: "I'm listening."

Mysterious Man: "There is a cave, boy, a Cave of Wonders, filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams. Treasure enough to impress even your princess, I'd wager." Iago whispers, "Jafar, can you hurry up? I'm dyin' in here."

Maybeck: "But the law says only a prince can..."

Jafar: "You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you? Whoever has the gold makes the rules."

Maybeck: "Why would you share all of this wonderful treasure with me?"

Jafar: "I need a young pair of legs and a strong back to go in after it."

Maybeck: "Uh, one problem. It's out there. We're in here."

Jafar: "Uh-uh. Things aren't always what they seem. So, do we have a deal?"

Jafar and Aladdin travel far to the Cave of Wonders. They traveled through the heat and through storms. Finally, they make it to the Cave of Wonders.

Cave of Wonders: "Who disturbs my slumber?"

Maybeck: "Uh, it is I, Aladdin."

Cave of Wonders: "Proceed. Touch nothing but the lamp." 

The Cave opens its mouth.

Jafar: "Remember, boy, first fetch me the lamp, and then you shall have your  reward."

Maybeck: "Come on, Abu."

Aladdin and Abu walk into the cave. They are amazed by all the treasure, but remembers the warning. As they walk in the cave, trying to find the lamp, a magic carpet sees them and follows them. Aladdin and Abu confront the carpet and befriends it. Aladdin asks where the lamp is and the carpet takes them to it. As Aladdin walks towards the lamp to get it, Abu spots a marvelous ruby and starts to walk towards it. The carpet notices Abu and tries to stop him. Aladdin grabs the lamp and turns around, he sees Abu grabbing the ruby. "NO!" he shouts. The cave starts to crumble. Aladdin and Abu get on the magic carpet and head towards the entrance. The carpet gets hit by a rock, knocking him down, Aladdin jumps towards Jafar, asking for help.

Maybeck: "Help me out."

Jafar: "Throw me the lamp."

Maybeck: "I can't hold on. Give me your hand."

Jafar: "First give me the lamp."

Aladdin gives the lamp to Jafar.

Jafar: (Maniacal laughing) "Yes! At last!"

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