Chapter 1

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Finn's POV:

 Hi, I should probably introduce myself. I am Finn Whitman, 17 years old, and I am a Kingdom Keeper. I became a Keeper with 5 people I didn't know and thought I wouldn't know them. But I did. We all met when we became DHI, Disney Host Interactive, for the Magic Kingdom of Disney World. They are Charlene, Maybeck, Willa, and Philby. Now, when we fell asleep, we suddenly awoke IN Disney World. Wayne, an old Imagineer who worked with Walt Disney, explained our mission, defeating the Overtakers. We were all very skeptical but we tried it out and got stuck in it. Along the way, we met Amanda, who is AMAZING, and was willing to help out. When we first defeated Maleficent, a girl who she had cursed broke free, whose name is Jess. I realized that Amanda and Jess considered themselves as sisters. We also learned that they are Fairlies, Fairly Human, that they have powers. Amanda has telekiness, where she can move things with her mind and Jess dreams(nightmares she says) of the future. Now we are all in high school(luckily the same school), continuing our adventures and mission to save Disney. And to our team, we added Tim an intern at Disney. He helps find our way along the parks and knows of our secrets, so we trust him.

Now to start the story. I woke up and got dressed for school. I brushed my hair and teeth, then went downstairs to eat breakfast and grab my backpack and head for school. "Have a good day sweetie!" my mom calls out to me. "Okay" I replied. 

Soon, I grab my bike and start to head to school. On the way, I am joined by two of my closest friends, Philby and Maybeck. They are also Keepers along with me, so we hang out a lot. We talk as we bike to school. "So, Philby, when do you plan to ask Willa to be your girlfriend?" Maybeck asks. "Aah, uhm, why do you think that?" Philby stammers while turning red. "Uhh, cause I know you and whenever she's in the room with you, you stare." "Point taken. But when do you plan to ask Charlie to be yours?" Philby replies. Now it's Maybeck's turn to blush. "Hahahaha, that was good Philby." I said. "Well Finn, when are you gonna ask Amanda?" "Ahhhhhhh.." I said feeling my cheeks turning red. "HA, gotta 'em!" Maybeck shouted. "Shut up, Terry." I said. Philby and I laughed at Maybeck's offended face.

We arrived at school, locked our bikes, went to our lockers, then went to class. 

Charlene's POV: 

Hi, I'm Charlene or what my friends call me Charlie. I'm head cheerleader at school and I'm friends with the rest of the Keepers, plus Amanda, Jess, and Tim. I'm 17 years old so I can drive and my parents bought me a car.

 As I was driving to school, I saw Amanda and Jess walking ono the sidewalk. I pulled over and asked if they needed a lift, they said yes, so they are with me now. "So Charlie, how have you been?" Jess asks. "I've been good. The Overtakers have been quiet, so nothings been happening." I reply. "Are you sure about that? I mean you and Maybeck seem closer." Amanda says slyly. "Uhh no? Wel I mean... Ugh." I stammer out. Amanda and Jess laugh quietly. "Well, I don't know if its just me, but Amanda, you and Finn seem more than friends." "Its not just you Charlie, I'm with you." Jess adds. Amanda is blushing furiously. "Jess, are you and Tim going? Has he asked you out yet?" "What? Uhh hmmm." Jess stamers. Amanda and I laugh. "Well, at least we all can agree on Wilby. They are so cute together." "Agreed" Amanda and Jess simultaneously.

Soon, we arrive at school, I parked my car, we all walked to the school and to our lockers, said our goodbyes and walked to each of our classes.

Willa's POV:

Hi, I'm Willa. I'm 17 years old. I went to my first period class which is Algebra 2(Ugh). Luckily, I have it with my crush, Philby. Both Philby and I are Keepers so we know one another but I don't think he likes me and doesn't know I like him(which is ok so it doesn't make things awkward. I sit next to Philby near the back when the bell rings. He smiles at me and I smile back. I hope today goes great.

Tim's POV: 

Hi, you all probably don't know me. I'm Tim and I'm 17 years old, and an intern at Disney. I hope to work there officially when I grow up, because I'm fascinated by the magic it creates. Anyways, I know of the DHIs and their real purpose, to defeat the Overtakers. I help when I can, by helping them navigate around the parks. I go to the same school as them and I'm friends with them and their friends, Amanda and Jess. Especially Jess. She's very pretty. I also know that Amanda and Jess are Fairlies, which is cool. Anyways, I'm in AP Chemistry waiting for Jess to sit next to me like normal. I hope today will be great.

Maybeck's POV:

Hi I'm Terry Maybeck, but I go by Maybeck. I'm 17 years old and I have a crush on Charlene. As I walk to Medieval History, I see Charlie waiting for me at the door. I walk up to her and say "Hi." She says it back and we walk into the classroom together. We sit in the back waiting for class today. I hope today will go wonderful.

Amanda's POV:

Hi I'm Amanda and I'm 17 years old and I have a crush on Finn and Jess is my sister, and we are both Fairlies. That means we're both 'fairly human' so we have powers. I have telekinesis, where I can move things with my mind and Jess dreams the future. Anyways, I'm sitting in the back of my Medieval Literature class, wondering if Finn's gonna be late. Finn enters the classroom as the bell rings. He sits next to me. I hope today will go great.

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