Chapter 7

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In Tangled, years later: Tim's POV

Jess: In the morning I play hide and seek with Pascal, my chameleon. Then I sing.

"Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb
Sew a dress!And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush
And brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always beenAnd I'll keep wanderin' and wanderin'
And wanderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?And tomorrow night
The lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older
Mother might just
Let me go"

On top the castle, Flynn Rider and two other thieves climb around open a hatch, drop down, and steal the princess's crown. They then run to the forest to get away from the guards. Flynn leaves the other thieves to escape himself. He is able to get rid of the last guard, but not his horse. In his satchel is where the crown is, and the horse, Maximus, tries to get it. Flynn and Maximus fight over the satchel and the satchel is then thrown to a tree overhanging a cliff. The horse and man reach the satchel, but the tree breaks, resulting them falling.

Jess: "This is it! I'm going to ask her!

Gothel: "Rapunzel! Let down your hair! Rapunzel! I'm not getting any younger down here!"

Jess: "Coming, Mother!" I hook up my hair then let it down so I can pull her up. "Hi, welcome home, Mother."

Gothel: "Rapunzel, how you manage to do that every single day without fail. It looks absolutely exhausting, darling."

Jess: "Oh, it's nothing."

Gothel: "Then I don't know why it takes so long. Oh, I'm just teasing.

Jess: "All right." I work up the courage, "So, Mother, as you know tomorrow is a very big day..."

Gothel: "Rapunzel, look in that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh, you are here too. Oh, I'm just teasing. Stop taking everything so seriously."

Jess: "Okay. So, Mother, as I was saying, tomorrow is..."

Gothel: "Rapunzel, Mother's feeling a little run-down. Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk."

So Rapunzel sets everything up real fast, forces her mother to sit and sings fat so she can dicuss with her mother what she wants.

Jess: "So, Mother earlier I was saying tomorrow is a big day, and you didn't respond. So, I'm just going to tell you, it's my birthday! Ta-da!"

Gothel: "No, no, no. Can't be. I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year."

Jess: "That's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an annual thing. Mother, I'm turning 18, and I wanted to ask... What I really want for this birthday... Actually what I wanted for quite a few birthdays now....... I want to see the floating lights."

Gothel: "What?"

Jess: "I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights."

Gothel: "Oh! You mean the stars."

Jess: "That's the thing. I've charted stars, and they're always constant. But these, they appear every year on my birthday, Mother. Only on my birthday. And I can't help but think they're meant for me. I need to see them, Mother. In person, not from my window, I have to know what they are."

Gothel: "You want to go outside? Why Rapunzel..." and I sing my song.

You know why we stay up in this tower

[Jess, spoken]
I know, but—

Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet

[Jess, spoken]


Mother knows best

Mother knows best, listen to your mother
It's a scary world out there
Mother knows best, one way or another

[Jess, spoken]


[Jess, spoken]

Also large bugs
Men with pointy teeth, and

Mother's right here, Mother will protect you
Darling, here's what I suggest
, stay with mama
Mother knows best

Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino
Go ahead, get mugged and left for dead
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know?
I only bathed and changed and nursed you
Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it
Let me die alone here, be my guest
When it's too late, you'll see, just wait
Mother knows best

Mother knows best, take it from your mumsy

Mother understands, Mother's here to help you
All I have is one request


[Jess, spoken]

Don't ever ask to leave this tower again

[Jess, spoken]
Yes, Mother

I love you very much, dear

[Jess, spoken]
I love you more

I love you most.

Don't forget it, you'll regret it
Mother knows best.

Gothel: I leave the tower to get more food.

Tim: I'm still being hunted by that darn horse, I have to hide. I find a cave behind some leaves. As I continue to walk, I see a tower in the distance, that'll be a great place to hide. I climb the tower and enter. "Ah, alone at last." BANG! I see dark.

Jess: I knocked out a strange man who entered the tower with a frying pan.

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