Chapter 20

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It was after Taehyung's third birthday, somewhere in late winters when he had his first allergic reaction which had scared Jungkook down to the soles of his shoes

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It was after Taehyung's third birthday, somewhere in late winters when he had his first allergic reaction which had scared Jungkook down to the soles of his shoes.

The day started, as usual, everyone woke up at their habitual times followed their morning routines, and started their day.

"Bye-bye baby" Jungkook waved at Taehyung and blew a kiss towards him. Taehyung grinned and waved back squealing, "Bie bie Dadee."

This was their morning ritual before Jungkook went to his work and the duo followed it without any fail. Taehyung's boxy smile is slowly becoming Jungkook's energy booster but the latter is still clueless about how that little box of white pearls affects him?

After blowing a last kiss to the toddler and nodding at Bogum, the young CEO walked out of the house with a beaming face.

When Jungkook was out, Bogum closed the door from inside, looked at the toddler in the eyes, and smirked evilly.

Taehyung smirked back and they both shouted together, "YAY! YAY! PICNIC!"

Taehyung felt that the sound was too loud and their little secret could be heard by someone, so he bought his index finger onto his lips and shh'ed Bogum. Bogum zipped his mouth shut when the toddler glared at him.

"Our seclet, pomise?" Taehyung asked and extended his pinky finger so that he can seal their promise.

"Okay! Pinky promise" Bogum chimed intervening his pinky with Taehyung's little one sealing the promise but they both know they are gonna break it and tell Jungkook 'cause for one he is his employer and for other he is his best friend.

"But first bathing time" Bogum said and walked towards the toddler's room. Taehyung nodded and followed Bogum bouncing happily.

The picnic they both are talking about is actually ain't a picnic. The thing is that Taehyung was being picky yesterday and was not eating his veggies so Bogum proposed a deal to him that if he will finish his lunch then tomorrow, he will take him outside for a picnic.

Bogum gave Taehyung a quick bath and then dressed him warmly for the outing. He is thinking of first taking him to a local café for breakfast then to the park where he can play with his friends. Then they can have their lunch which he had prepared beforehand and packed it into two bento lunch boxes.

Bogum packed some essentials in the small bag pack and then they both were good to go. He has asked Jungkook beforehand if he can travel with Taehyung on a bus to which the father gave a positive response so today the baby will travel by bus for the first time.

The ride to the café was smooth as the toddler didn't create any fuss, he sat patiently beside Bogum and looked at the world outside the bus's window in awe.

It's not that he never went outside or he has never looked out from a window of a moving vehicle. He has done that but from a car. Looking outside from a bus was a whole new experience for him and Bogum is glad that the little boy enjoyed it.

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