Chapter 13

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No-one's POV:

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No-one's POV:

Today was really important day for Jungkook or every employee of JeonCorps. to be precise.

Yes, the day of meeting with foreign investors for which all of the workers of JeonCorps. were working their asses off has finally arrived.

Jungkook was buttoning his shirt when in winced in annoyance. And the cause of his distress, yes you guessed it right, Taehyung.

Today, the baby woke up early than his usual time, in fact he was the first one to wake up and he was super excited for no reason at all.

He was chirping, shouting, clapping, laughing, moving here and there since early morning. But does a seventeen-almost-eighteen month old child need a reason to be happy?

A seventeen-month-old baby is a powerhouse of energy and they need to use it and what's better than goofing around. But who will explain all this to Jungkook?

Jungkook winced for the nth time that morning when he heard Taehyung's loud wail from downstairs. 'Should have chosen another room, far away from all this drama' Jungkook thought.

"Jungkook! Calm down! Calm down! It's important day. Don't spoil your mood" Jungkook whispered to himself taking long breaths to calm himself. But he didn't forget to curse that damn condom.

From a few days, Jungkook has been thinking of conducting a DNA test. He had some doubts in the beginning and now they are increasing day by day.

Like, how out of nowhere his so-called son can pop out? And he is sure that the results will be in his favour or let's say he is convincing himself into believing that.

"Let me get over with this meeting, then I will surely conduct a DNA test on you, Taehyung. And when it will be proved that you are not my child, I will get rid of you from my life and then I will be free and in peace" Jungkook whispered to himself wearing his suit coat.

He was kind of cheering himself for the day. He has been feeling really uneasy today and just wants to get over with the day.

He first thought it may be because he is nervous, but he isn't the one who gets anxious easily.

But it's really important day for him for another reason also, to prove that he deserves CEO's post and that to someone special, Mr Jeon.

Jungkook decided to ignore all of this for now and focus on meeting and getting the investments. He took a last look at his outfit in the mirror and went downstairs.

"Jimin! Give it back" Seokjin shouted when Taehyung started to cry because Jimin took his favourite Tata plushie.

"But hyung! He looks so cute when he tries to snatch it back" Jimin replied still teasing Taehyung with the plushie.

Everyone was present in the living room including Minho. The day was important so they all decided to meet a day prior and discuss everything for the last time, so there will be minimal chance of any mistakes.

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