Chapter 23

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Previously on Serendipity Baby

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Previously on Serendipity Baby

"Come on, let's eat" he instructed when Taehyung got distracted with his toys.

The child nodded in response, the soft black curls bouncing with his head and then poking his eyes.

Jungkook was habituated to this by now, he was always wearing a hair tie on his wrist for Taehyung. He loves tying his baby's hair in cute fountain ponytails.

He swiftly collected Taehyung's bangs in one hand and softly tied them with another making the child look a hundred times more adorable.

Taehyung lightly smiled and touched the top of his head with his left hand and scooped yogurt in his spoon with his right hand. He sighed in delight when the rich taste of the blueberry-flavored substance filled his mouth.


(if you don't remember the story you can read the previous chapter for a better understanding of this one)

When Jungkook ran upstairs, the old man dejectedly made his way out of his son's residence. He came there with a plan to improve the bond between him and his boy.

Did they even have a bond in the first place? He doesn't know. Today he saw so much pain in those bambi eyes but he saw love too, the love his son would have given him were it for the scars he has.

He gloomily sat inside his car. His driver spared him a worried look through the rearview mirror. He half-heartedly smiled at Minho.

This state of the chairman was not something new for the chauffeur, so he chose to stay silent when the other didn't react to his gesture and started the car.

Minho lowered his eyes not having enough courage to make eye contact with anyone. He doesn't even realize when the traffic sounds start to fade away and he got lost in his world.

A world in which a Jungkook was calling him from behind. As Minho turns back he sees his four-year-old son happily running towards him with open arms.

He smiles widely and kneels down to catch his son in a bear hug but as the small figure nears him, it stops and starts to sob uttering he wants 'mamma'.

Minho stood up and tried to approach the little Jungkook. Just when he was about to touch him, the boy's form suddenly started to grow and it transformed into the sixteen-year-old rebellious Jungkook.

This persona was not crying but was looking at him disgustedly.

"You are a horrible person, Mr. Jeon. I hate you" the teenager seethed.

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