Chapter 4

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1 year later

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1 year later...

No-one's POV:

It was early morning and Seokjin was making breakfast as today Mr Jeon and Jimin were coming for a breakfast meeting with Seokjin and Jungkook about the company's future projects. Mr Jeon had another reason, i.e., to check on his son. Yes, Seokjin was still living with Jungkook and now they are closer than ever. Now, for Jungkook Seokjin is more than his best friend, Seokjin is his big brother which he never had. Sometimes Jungkook is scared of him especially when he is angry. According to him, "Angry Jin is scary."

Seokjin's POV:

I was cooking breakfast while humming a random song. My peace was interrupted by the sound of doorbell ringing. I looked at the clock and furrowed my brows, 6:27 AM. Mr Jeon and Jimin were supposed to arrive at 7:30 then who is at the door? 'To answer this question, well Seokjin you have to use your feet to walk and then your hands to open the door and then your eyes to see the person who interrupted your peaceful morning' I just laughed and thought 'I have to stop talking in third person to myself.'

As I opened the door to look for the intruder who ringed the doorbell but to my surprise there was no one at the door. Did someone pulled a prank or was I dreaming everything? As I was about to close the door, I looked down and there was a big basket with something inside it. It was covered in baby blue blankets and there was a post-it-note with "For Jeon Jungkook" written on it. So, I took the basket inside and placed it on kitchen island. I thought maybe it's some sort of gift for Jungkook from our clients. As I was about to move away from the basket, something moved inside it. Wait, what the hell just happened? I got scared and scooted away from it and picked up a spatula to protect myself. (A/N: Don't ask me how he is going to protect himself with a spatula.) With a brave heart, I tried to remove the blanket and found small feet peeking out of it. I sighed in relief. It's just small feet. Wait, what? SMALL FEET? I removed the whole blanket and there was a baby in it who was sleeping peacefully. I moved closer to take a good look. 'Oh God, did the little creature who was just sleeping melted me without even doing anything. He was the literal definition of cute. I have never seen such a cute baby.' Then a neatly folded paper which was lying beside the baby caught my attention. I picked it up and opened it, it was a letter addressed to Jeon Jungkook. I started to read it and as soon as I finished it, the great Jeon Jungkook decided to come downstairs.

Jungkook's POV:

I woke up, did my morning routine and got dressed in nice clothes as today "the great Mr Jeon" decided to remember his son. Yeah whatever, I decided to go downstairs and help Jin hyung in making breakfast. As I reached down, Jin hyung was standing in the middle of the kitchen and he was reading something with an unreadable expression.

"Hey hyung! You okay?" I asked. "I am okay but Jeon Jungkook you have a lot of explaining to do" he said. " Explain what, hyung?" I again asked. He pointed at a big basket which was lying on the kitchen island and there was something inside it. I moved closer to have a better look and that something was a baby. I looked at Jin hyung with a 'I don't know what you are taking about' expression and asked, "Whose baby is this?" "Yours" Jin hyung replied. "This is not mine and how do you know this?" I asked getting annoyed. Instead of giving me an answer, he started to read something aloud from the paper which he was reading when I came downstairs.

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