Chapter 5

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No-one's POV:

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No-one's POV:

Jungkook was standing in front of baby section in the shopping mall. "Did Daddy Jungkook bring his card for shopping for his baby?" Jimin asked in a mocking tone. "Jimin! Shut the hell up. I don't wanna beat you to pulp in front of these many people" Jungkook said through gritted teeth. Jimin just laughed and said "Why so aggressive? Now you have a child, try to learn to be more peaceful." "He is not my child" Jungkook replied instantly. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! and I am Tom Cruise" Jimin said teasingly. "Are you gonna stand there the whole day or should I call Mr Jeon?" Jimin asked while walking towards the entrance of the store. Jungkook without saying anything just started to walk towards the entrance of the store but first he pushed Jimin out of his way and then entered the store. He doesn't have the power or brain cells left to start another argument with Mr Jeon.


No-one's POV:

When Taehyung finished drinking the milk, his eyes started to become droopy. So, Minho started to pat him on his back until he burped. After sometime he fell asleep in his arms. Jungkook was just staring Minho and his actions all this time, lost in his thoughts. He was brought out of his trance when Jimin said "Awww... he is looking sooo... cute. I am still wondering, how can a person with such a cocky attitude can produce a baby so cute." "What do you mean, Midget?" Jungkook asked standing up ready to throw hands. "Wait, so you are accepting the fact that he is your child" Jimin said happily. This statement caught Jungkook off guard. Before he could even think of a reply, Seokjin told both of them to shut up otherwise they will wake the baby or worst make him cry again.

Seokjin then took Taehyung from Minho, Jimin rose up from his seat and asked "Can I hold him? Please, Please, Please, Please..." "No! When he will wake up then we will see" Seokjin said. "But hyung, he doesn't even want to see my face when he is awake" Jimin said faking a sad face. " No buts Jimin, I am taking him upstairs so he can sleep peacefully. Baby needs more sleep than us" Seokjin said. "Okay" Jimin said pouting. "But I am gonna go shopping for him and bring him toys, candies then he will stop hating me then I will become his favourite uncle" Jimin said dramatically. "Yes, do that. The only thing you know is to bribe. Now you will bribe a year old-baby" Seokjin said jokingly as he made his way upstairs.

"What should I buy for him?" Jimin asked to no-one in particular. "Take Jungkook with you and buy everything you think a year-old baby will need. And don't forget to buy a crib and furniture the baby will need. The spare room beside Jungkook's room will be Taehyung's room from now on" Minho replied in a monotonous tone. Jungkook just looked at him like he spoke something in some foreign language. After a few seconds, he replied "Why me? Jimin is going na... It's more than enough. Why the room beside my room? I need peace while working and the baby..." Jungkook got interrupted by Minho "You are his father. It's a more than enough reason for you to shop for him and for Taehyung to live beside your room." "Prove it that he is my son and even if he is my son, I better give him for adoption. I don't want to be a father. Children are so annoying" Jungkook said protesting. "There are more than enough proofs that he is your son and Mr CEO let me remind you I'm still the chairman of the company and your dad. I dare you to disobey me and I will not take a moment to think before disowning you" Minho replied. "No, you can't disown me. I am working so hard for the company. You need me. The company needs me" Jungkook stated. "So what? There are so many people who works harder than you for the company and are more deserving than you for the CEO's post" Minho backfired. This made Jungkook to shut his mouth. "Okay! I am going. You maybe my biological father but you are not my dad, never was, never will" Jungkook said and took his car keys and went outside. "Make sure he participates in shopping" Minho ordered Jimin in a small tone as he was hurt by Jungkook's words. He just mumbled "I'm sorry."

Back to present

Jungkook and Jimin were just walking aimlessly in the store arguing from time to time as they didn't know much about baby's necessities. Jungkook was thinking what could be a better option than buying the whole store until one of the workers in the store decided to help these two monkeys who were looking like they will kill each other any moment. Jungkook and Jimin both thanked him and then they started their shopping spree which included questions from the worker and stupid answers from both of them. The worker tried his best to help both of them even if they were giving those unhelpful answers. Finally, after seven hours of shopping and ordering furniture which the store has promised to deliver by tomorrow, they have reached home. Jungkook was now parking the car. Jimin got out of the car first and took only few bags with him leaving rest of the bags for Jungkook and ran inside the house. As soon as he entered, he...

(😈*inserts evil laugh*)

So, what will happen next?

I know it's small. I still have not completed my assignments. I just wanted to update and here I am leaving you all on a cliffhanger. What will happen next?

I will try to update in next 2 days.
Thank you all for 200+ reads

Any thoughts?
Love ya ❤️💜🖤

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