Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV:

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Jungkook's POV:

I was cooking breakfast when Jin hyung came downstairs to the kitchen in a very sleepy state. He didn't even notice me (or ignored me) and went straight to the refrigerator. He took out a water bottle from the refrigerator and started to drink water from it.

I wanted to make him aware of my presence, so I said, "Good morning, hyung!" in a cheerful voice. He just said, "Morning" in a dull voice without even looking at me and started to make coffee for himself. "Hyung here! I made coffee for you" I said.

He just looked at me for a second then nodded and took the cup of coffee and sat on a kitchen stool and started to scroll through his phone ignoring my existence. "Hyuunnggg...! Don't ignore me please" I said.

"Tell me a reason for not doing that" he fired back. This shut my mouth...but only for few seconds as I thought what could I have done to make him angry on me but I couldn't think of anything. So, I just decided to ask him. "Hyung, what did I do?" I asked. "What did you do?" he asked in a mocking voice.

I again started to think of a possible reason but again found none and looked at him like a lost child. "OKAY! I will tell you. Who the hell behaves like that to a year old like you did day before yesterday? And instead of taking responsibility of your action, you just ran away like a coward. And on top of that you drank like there is no tomorrow" he said glaring at me.

"You promised me, right? That you will not do that then why?" he said in one breath. 'Oh! That's the reason' I thought. "But, why now? Yesterday you were fine, why you want to be angry now?" I asked. "It's my wish and do you want me to do this drama in front of Mr Jeon?" he asked not looking at me.

I tried to get his attention but he just ignored me like I am invisible. 'He is really a bipolar person. He is ignoring me now like as if he was not talking to me a moment ago' I thought. But I will make him talk to me, no matter what? Cause he is my favourite person in this whole world. And I know a way when he just can't resist me.

'So Jungkook, let's start the act' I thought. I blinked my eyes a few times to make them glossy, made a sad face and said "Hyungie, now you will not talk to me then who will? Hyungie look! I am your Jungkook, your little baby brother" I said in a sad baby voice.

Jin hyung just looked at me without blinking his eyes and said, "Drop your act, Jungkook. This will not work on me now." "Hyungiieee...please. Tell me what I can do that will make you forgive me" I pleaded. "Nothing" he said still not looking at me.

"Please, please, pretty pleaseeeee..." I said. "Okay! If you are begging me so much. Go to Taehyung's room and wake him up" he said monotonously. "Why? I will do anything but this" I said. "I only gave you a suggestion. It's up to you to do it or not" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"If I will wake him up, then you will talk to me? We will be back to normal, right?" I asked. "It's not sure but I will think about it" he said. "Okay! If that's what you want" I said. "But hyung, how do you wake a baby up? What if I make him cry or do something wrong? If he will cry then you will not talk to me. Right?" I asked Jin hyung because dude! I have concerns.

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