Chapter 16

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Seokjin's POV:

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Seokjin's POV:

I was filling myself a cup of water when I heard my phone going off. I walked towards the couch, where I using my phone just two minutes ago.

I picked the phone with my left hand, as my right hand was busy occupying the cup of water.

When I saw the caller's ID, a smile instantly crept its way to my lips.

"Hello" I said.

"Don't hello me. Where are you?" a high-pitched voice shouted from the other side.

"Me- I'm at home. Why?" I asked.

"You son of a monkey. We decided to meet at Barbecue Station. I have been waiting here from half an hour" the voice fumed.

Damn! I forgot about that. Shit!

"I'm sorry. I'm coming. Will be there in twenty minutes. Until then order something to drink" I hurriedly replied and put that cup on the side table beside the couch.

I hastily took my car keys, wallet and ran out of the house.

How can I forget this? Ughh! I'm so stupid.

[ So curious people, did you get your answers like how Taehyung got that cup filled with water? ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ ]


After parking the car, I started to run towards the restaurant. I entered inside and begin to search for that special person.

As we made eye contact, I walked towards that person with a sheepish grin.

I handed the bouquet of flowers, which I bought on my way to that individual and muttered few sorries.

"It's okay! I understand. Taking care of kids is hard. Thank Goodness, you only forgot about this appointment otherwise after having kids personal life seems impossible" she chuckled.

"But he is not my kid" I said.

"I know that but you practically act like his mom, so" she said with a shrug.

I forced myself to laugh on this joke

"And thank you for these" she said with the prettiest smile taking the bouquet from me.

I smiled back at her and took a seat. "So what do you wanna order? Did you decide something?" I asked.


Thank God! Everything went well.

I parked my car and walked towards the entrance of the house. "Jungkook" I called when I entered inside but no one responded.

I again called, "Jungkook"


I searched for both of them here and there until I reached the first floor. Loud laughing and giggling sounds were coming from Jungkook's room.

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