Chapter 21

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Previously on Serendipity Baby

Jungkook took a good look at Taehyung's face. His skin has started to lose its color, his lips were all red and swelled up. It didn't take him much time to put two and two together, Taehyung was having an allergic reaction but he also noticed one thing, Taehyung has started to wheeze, something was preventing him to take air inside his body.

The baby fisted his father's shirt when black dots started to invade his vision as he was slowly losing consciousness.


"D-dadee" the three-year-old whimpered tugging at his father's shirt. Breathing was getting difficult for him, his chest has started to feel heavy but he doesn't know how to explain that to his dad.

So he did only one thing he could do, he clung to his father for comfort. He doesn't understand what's happening to him but slowly he is losing control of his body. All he knows that he didn't want to go to those doctors who will attach all those machines to his body and make him drink bitter medicines.

The frequent trips to doctors and drinking bitter medicines daily has started to take a toll on the toddler's mind, he is gradually developing a fear for hospitals and doctors.

Seeing Taehyung struggling to breathe Jungkook's blood ran cold, his heart started to shudder in fear, gloomy thoughts and scenarios invaded his mind and he feared the worst. He is aware that he is going into a state of panic and if he wants to help his son he has to first calm himself down.

After collecting his thoughts, Jungkook carefully stood up with Taehyung in his arms, laid the child on his back, and elevated his head with the help of a pillow then he put another one under his bent knees.

"Bub, you can hear me, right?" he said in his best calm voice caressing smaller's one head with his hand and dialing the emergency number with his other.

Taehyung who was having a hard time staying conscious couldn't respond but held his father's hand which was caressing his head.

"Baby, can you try to breathe for me?" he lovingly whispered beside his ear.

Taehyung who heard his Dad's soothing voice tried to take long deep breathes, he has learned this. They have practiced this - his dad, his doctor, and him. They have taught him.

"Yes, like this" Jungkook encouraged him and diverted his attention to his phone when he heard, "119 - What's your emergency?" from the other side.

"I need an ambulance for my three-old son, he is having an allergic reaction. And past medical history: he has BPT" Jungkook replied in one breath without wasting any time.

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