Chapter 10

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No-one's POV:

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No-one's POV:

Jungkook and Seokjin both were at home as today was Saturday. Jungkook was busy working on his laptop, Seokjin was working on some files.

They both were really working hard as they wanted to impress those foreign investors. If they are able to get investments from them, then there is no looking back.

Taehyung was still sleeping. And today Bogum was not coming because Minho has ordered him to do so. Minho has told him that whenever there will be no one to take care of Taehyung, only then Bogum will work.

Bogum will be working only for five days a week as Jungkook is home most of the time during weekends. That's the reason Minho gave Jungkook for giving Bogum the weekends off and that resulted in a small quarrel between them and everyone knows who must have won.


Minho observed Bogum for past three days and you can say that he was really impressed with the nineteen-year-old. And he has finally signed the job contract with him.

At first, it was really difficult for Bogum to talk to Taehyung as he was really scared of what if he did something wrong which may cost him his job.

But Taehyung's bubbly personality and friendly nature helped him in knowing the baby and become his one of the most favourite person in the whole world in just three days.

What else we can say, Taehyung is just a year old. The babies at this age can really become close to anyone in no matter of time and they may also think of them as their best friends.

The real problem is when they are just too close. When Bogum was leaving for his home on Friday evening, Taehyung didn't let him go.

The baby attached his small body to Bogum's leg like a leech. When Jin tried to remove him from Bogum's leg, he threw a tantrum. It took so much effort to convince him that his new best friend will come back soon.

Let's say it ended with Taehyung crying his eyes out and for Bogum he was really feeling sorry for the crying baby.

It was no denial that Bogum also got attached to this little cinnamon roll in no time but he has to go home to his sister. With a heavy heart he bade him goodbye with a promise that he will be back soon.

When Bogum left, Taehyung was in Minho's arms, he cried for some time and then stopped.

After Taehyung had stopped crying, he did not talk to anyone or played with his toys like usual and Minho has to really try hard to convince him to eat something and then making him fall asleep was the real task.

It was not really Minho's efforts that put Taehyung to sleep but actually the baby got really tired from crying so much and throwing tantrums.

His tiredness has put him to sleep last night not Minho's constant patting and shushing. After Taehyung fell asleep, Minho left the house.

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