Chapter 19 🎄🎅

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No one's POV:

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No one's POV:

"Dadee run" Taehyung shouted looking back at his very old father who was huffing and puffing for air.

"Tae *breath* don't run *breath* you will slip *breath* and hurt yourself" Jungkook replied trying to catch his breath tired from all the running he did.

"Dadee, you no fun" Taehyung remarked pointing at his Dad.

"Minmin let go" the toddler exclaimed and ran towards his favourite uncle.

Jimin who was snickering at his friend took the toddler's small hand in his and ran towards the water slides.

"Taehyung, it's let's go and guys, wait for me, it's not fair. Jimin I am gonna kill you" Jungkook boomed and started to chase them.

The thing is that they all were at a water park and after playing and enjoying for some time, they took a walk around, ate some snacks from different stalls, played different games and won many prizes.

One particular prize caught Taehyung's attention. It was a little dog plushie and Taehyung is obsessed with plushies and whenever he sees a new one, he wants to add it to his huge collection.

"Dadee doggie" Taehyung pointed at the plushie kind of telling Jungkook to buy it for him.

When Jungkook went to the counter, they told him it was not for sale but a prize and you have to answer basic Math equations or formulas to win it.

Jungkook decided to play the game and do a little bit of show-off of his brain in front of Taehyung and other people standing there.

The person at the counter ringed the bell announcing the start of the game.

He picked up a giraffe plushie and showed it to people.

"First question, the formula of area of the circle" he asked.

A little boy shouted, "π r²"

"Correct, here is your prize" the person clapped and gave the boy his prize.

Next, he picked up the Dog plushie and again showed it to people. Jungkook fisted his hands and got ready for the question.

"Second question, what's a² + b²?" the person asked.

Jungkook thought and thought but his little brain didn't work and a little girl answered and won the prize.

"We live in the era of smartphones and stupid people" Jimin exclaimed and started to laugh when Jungkook glared at him.

"Dadee, it okay" Taehyung said while doing cute little hand movements.

"But Taehyung your Daddy is stupid" Jimin remarked and started to run. Taehyung followed him and so did Jungkook.

"It's not my fault that you don't even know basic math. You Brainless Bunny" Jimin responded when their chasing came to stop.

"First thing, I am not Bunny and secondly, they didn't give me enough time to think" Jungkook grunted and pulled Taehyung towards himself gently who was trying to sneak out.

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