Chapter 6

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Seokjin's POV:

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Seokjin's POV:

I took Taehyung to my room and then laid him on my bed then I put pillows on both sides of the baby in case if in his sleep he tries to roll, he will not fall then I put his baby blue blankets over him. He snuggled into them. 'God he was looking so cute.' I was one moment away from cuddling him but I decided not to and then I left the room after watching him for some time.

' I was one moment away from cuddling him but I decided not to and then I left the room after watching him for some time

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When I reached downstairs, Jimin bade me good-bye after telling me that he was going for shopping for Taehyung. Before I could even say anything Jimin ran out of the house. I sat beside Mr Jeon who seems to be having a hard time in trying to control his tears. I asked, "Is it Jungkook?" He just nodded.

We both just sat in silence for some time then I cleared my throat *ahem ahem* and said, "You have to talk to him someday. At least try to explain yourself. He will understand you..." I got interrupted when Mr Jeon said, "He will not understand." "He will, at least try once. He doesn't hate you. He just needs an explanation which you never gave him. Try to make him understand your point of view, then try to improve your relationship with him. It may take time for him to fully open up to you or share what he feels but it is worth a try" I said. Mr Jeon just sat there without saying anything lost in his deep thoughts of guilt and pain.

(A/N: What you guys think about Jungkook and Minho's relationship? What might have happened between Jungkook and Minho?)

*****time skip*****

Seokjin's POV:

I was busy making lunch for everyone. The meeting which should have been conducted at breakfast, will now be conducted at lunch. I was happy as today was Saturday otherwise we all would have missed a workday. Mr Jeon has went upstairs to check up on Taehyung as it had been few hours since he went to sleep. After sometime, I heard a small whining. It was Taehyung's. He was looking so uncomfortable in his grandpa's arms and was trying to push his grandpa away from him.

When Mr Jeon came closer to the kitchen counter, it was only then I noticed Taehyung's rosy cheeks, still sleepy eyes and a cute little pout adorning his face. "When I went upstairs, he was awake and was crying silently. I thought maybe he was scared when he woke up and found himself alone, so I picked him up and tried to soothe him by rubbing his back. After sometime, he stopped crying but from then he is whining non-stop" Mr Jeon said with a sad face.

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