Chapter 2

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Jennie's Perspective:

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Jennie's Perspective:

As we reached the dance floor, Jungkook held me gently by the waist, and I placed my hands on his shoulders. Together, we began to move to the rhythm of the music. 

Over time, he pulled me closer, bringing our faces just inches apart. Our breaths mingled, and he closed the gap between us with a tender kiss, which I reciprocated. As the intensity grew, the kiss became more passionate. 

In a matter of seconds, we found ourselves engaged in a passionate embrace, exploring each other's desires. This continued for a while, and I sensed his growing arousal.

Leaning towards my ear, he whispered in a husky voice, "Shall we continue this elsewhere?" Overwhelmed by the moment, I nodded in agreement. 

He suggested that I jump onto him, and I complied. Our lips met again in a fervent kiss as he carried me, holding my thighs, and we made our way upstairs to a room. 

He gently laid me down on the bed, causing me to bounce slightly on the soft mattress. As he began to unbuckle his belt, I mustered the courage to speak, "This is my first time. Can you be gentle?" His expression froze, and he responded...

Jungkook's Perspective:

Her words took me aback, and I inquired, "Are you a virgin?" She nodded hesitantly. Sensing her vulnerability, I asked her earnestly, "Are you sure you want this with me?" 

Despite my reputation, I have no desire to take advantage of someone's virginity, especially when they may not be fully in control of their actions. Once again, she nodded, stating, "Yes, I want this with you." Without hesitation, I began to undress, ready to continue our passionate encounter.

(Time skip)

When I woke up, I groaned in discomfort, my head throbbing painfully. Glancing beside me, I noticed a naked girl sleeping peacefully. It was not an unfamiliar sight for me—it had become a routine. 

Sitting up in bed, I surveyed the room, observing scattered clothes and used condoms strewn across the floor. Memories of the previous night came flooding back. I tried to awaken the girl by gently shaking her shoulder. 

After a moment, she stirred, groaning as she became aware of her surroundings. Initially shocked, she soon composed herself and turned to face me. Unexpectedly, she expressed gratitude in a way I never anticipated.

"Thank you," she said. Confused, I regarded her with a peculiar look. She reiterated, "Thank you for being considerate and making it a memorable experience." I merely nodded, instructing her to get dressed and leave. 

As she gathered her clothes, she once again turned toward me, saying, "Thank you for fulfilling my wish." I stared at her, anger welling up inside me. 'What is wrong with her? Why is she thanking me repeatedly?' I thought to myself, before leaving the room without uttering a word. 'What a peculiar girl,' I mused as I lit my cigarette.

(Time skip)

Jennie's Perspective:

I groaned as I vomited for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Over the past two weeks, I had been plagued by random bouts of nausea. Initially, I attributed it to my cancer, but now I started to question if something else might be at play. 

Today, I had a doctor's appointment, and I eagerly awaited the results of the tests conducted after I informed him about my persistent sickness. Concern etched across my mother's face as she anxiously inquired, "What is wrong with her, Doctor?"

In response, he uttered a sentence I never thought I would hear in my life. "Miss Jennie, you are more than two weeks pregnant," the doctor revealed. Shock coursed through my veins as I struggled to comprehend his words. 

Gradually, I regained my composure, anticipating the doctor's next statement. He continued, "Given your fragile condition, it is highly recommended that you terminate the pregnancy, as it poses significant risks to your health and could potentially shorten your life expectancy."

 I could sense my mother gasping in disbelief beside me. A peculiar sensation filled my heart, a mix of strange emotions—both comforting and disconcerting. The doctor silently observed us before excusing himself from the room to provide us with privacy.

My mother looked at me with deep concern, awaiting my response. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts, and then I made up my mind to keep the baby. "Mom, I want to continue with this pregnancy. I cannot bring myself to terminate it," I expressed firmly. 

Aware of my impending mortality, I reasoned that if my time on this Earth was limited, I wanted to experience the profound joy of becoming a mother. I believed that in giving life to another, I would leave behind something beautiful even after my departure. It was not the child's fault to be condemned before even entering this world. "This child in my womb is a gift from God," I pleaded with my mother. 

Overwhelmed, tears streamed down my face as I implored, "Please, Mom, let me embrace motherhood and feel the most wondrous feeling in this world. After I am gone, you will not be alone. You will have your grandchild—a little bundle of joy. This child is our blessing, a lasting connection that will transcend my passing." Finally, my mother began to understand, her tears mingling with mine. After informing the doctor of my decision to keep the baby, we returned home.

Upon arriving home, I confided in my mother, sharing my aspirations detailed in my bucket list, how I became pregnant, and the indifference of the child's father. 

Though it took her some time, my mother gradually accepted the situation, her smile growing more frequent. She now offers me guidance on caring for my body and nurturing the life growing within me.


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