Chapter 1

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We do not have the opportunity to choose our birth or death dates

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We do not have the opportunity to choose our birth or death dates. The uncertainty of when our time on this planet will come to an end remains unknown, down to the very day, hour, or second. But what if one day you were informed about the limited time remaining in your life or the specific day of your demise? How would you feel? Imagine having just one year left to live—a year to fulfill dreams, complete education, bring pride to your parents, find a partner, acquire a house, purchase a car, start a family. The most important question lingers: How would you spend that precious year? Would you lament or seize every moment? That is precisely how I feel right now.

~Kim Jennie

Jennie's Perspective:

As I closed my diary, I wiped away my tears. It has been a week since I received the heartbreaking news of my cancer diagnosis, and a week filled with tears and the weight of fate's blame. However, I have made the decision to make the most of the time I have left on this Earth. I will create a bucket list of the experiences I wish to have before my time is up.

The doctors have informed me that my cancer is incurable, and treatment can only delay the inevitable. The treatment will not restore my health, and the financial burden associated with it is beyond my means. I do not want to burden my mother with loans and debts. She has already faced her fair share of hardships. So, the simplest and most affordable way forward is to create a bucket list, attempt to fulfill my desires, and then embrace the end.

Jennie's Bucket List

1. *************
2. *************
3. *************
4. *************
5. Dropout of college
6. **************
8. Get drunk like there is no tomorrow
9. **************
10. *************
11. *************
12. *************
13. *************
14. *************
15. *************
16. *************
17. *************
18. Lose your virginity
19. *************
20. *************
21. *************
22. *************
23. *************
24. *************
25. *************
26. *************
27. *************
28. *************
29. *************
30. *************

Several days later...

I found myself at the club with my friends, seeking solace in alcohol. As we entered, we were engulfed by the scent of spirits and witnessed a whirlwind of dancing bodies and intimate connections. We settled into a corner of the club, ordering our drinks and engaging in conversation.

As time passed, the effects of alcohol began to take hold, and my attention was captivated by a remarkably attractive individual who seemed fixated on me. My friend Lisa inquired, "Do you know who that is?" I shook my head, prompting her to reveal, "That's Jeon Jungkook, the famous and enigmatic heir of JeonCorps. He's renowned for his looks, and there are numerous fan pages dedicated to him." I nodded in acknowledgment and redirected my gaze towards him, only for him to start making his way towards us accompanied by a friend.

Jungkook's Perspective:

I brought the cigarette to my lips, inhaling the tobacco and exhaling the smoke. This ritual continued until my friend Jimin interrupted my thoughts, asking, "Kook, are you up for some fun with a girl at the club?" We were at my penthouse, our regular hangout spot. "Yes, why not?" I replied, seizing the opportunity.

(Time skip, courtesy of the author's writing process)

We entered the club, taking our usual seats, ordering drinks, and scanning the premises for potential encounters. Jimin nudged me and gestured towards a group of attractive individuals sitting in the corner. "The blue-clad one is my choice," I informed Jimin, who simply shrugged and replied, "Suit yourself."

As her friend whispered something in her ear, I confidently approached their table. Clearing my throat, I extended my hand toward her and asked in my deep voice, "Would you like to dance with me?" She hesitated briefly before nodding, her agreement evident. Jimin winked at me as I led the girl, hand in hand, toward the dance floor.


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