Chapter 3

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(A/N: At the end of the previous chapter, Jennie was one month pregnant)

(A/N: At the end of the previous chapter, Jennie was one month pregnant)__________________________________________

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Jeon Minho's POV:

'What should I do with this boy? I am tired of always covering up his mistakes. Also, I will not stay young always. One day or the other he has to take over the company from me but this brat is never ready to listen to me. But now I have a plan that will make him follow all my orders.' My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. I replied, "Come in" in a deep, intimating voice. The door opened and Seokjin entered inside and bowed to me after closing the door. "You called me, sir" he asked. I just hummed in reply and motioned him to take a seat. "Seokjin, I have found a solution to all our problems." He choked on air and asked me, "You have found the solution of Jeon Jungkook?" shock was evident in his voice. I nodded in reply and told him everything about my plan. "Do you think he will agree?" Seokjin asked. As I was about to reply, the door opened loudly and the devil revealed himself as he entered the room.

Jungkook's POV:

I entered inside the Mr Jeon's office. Seokjin hyung was also present there. "You called me, Mr Jeon" I asked him in a rude tone. "Kook, at least respect your father" Seokjin hyung whispered to me. "He is not my father" I replied as the whole situation was getting annoying. "I am your father and I am gonna prove that to you now" Mr Jeon replied in a mocking tone. I gave him a challenging smirk. "From today onwards Seokjin will start living with you and will start training you to be the CEO of the company. From now on, he will give me your day to day report. You have to obey him and do everything he will tell you to do. If I found that you are not obeying him or not behaving properly- first, I will block all your cards, then your going out, then your friends and if in the end you are still the stubborn ass which you are right now, then you will leave me with only way, i.e. I will disown you." Mr Jeon finished. My mouth hung open in shock, I again tried to challenge him, "No, you won't." "Oh yes! I will Jeon Jungkook" he replied.

Seokjin's POV:

Jungkook just rushed out of the room angrily without saying anything. "It's all my fault that he is like this" Mr Jeon said on the verge of tears. "No, it's not and everyone knows that" I assured him. "Sir, don't worry. I will shift with Jungkook today only and try to knock some sense in his thick skull." Mr Jeon just smiled at me.

***Six months later***

Jennie's POV:

I was sitting and eating fruits while rubbing my 32 weeks (more than seven months) pregnant belly. Today, my baby was giving me a hard time as he was kicking more than usual. After a few minutes, the kicks became constant and then I felt a popping sensation followed by a gush of fluid in my underwear. I panicked and called my mother.

Ha Jiwon's POV:

I was cooking when I heard Jennie calling me more like shouting. I rushed outside the kitchen and found Jennie shouting in pain. I rushed towards her and found that her water broke. I immediately called the ambulance. The ambulance arrived five minutes later.

Now I am sitting outside the Jennie's room waiting for the doctor to give me information about my daughter's condition. When we arrived here, the doctor told us that due to Jennie's body being weak, her water broke as her body was not enough capable to keep supporting the baby. After three hours, the doctor came out of the Jennie's room and told me that the baby born is a boy and the baby is premature, weak and underweight. So, they have kept the baby in the incubator to protect him from outside infections. He also told me that as the baby is premature, his lungs are weak and he is suffering from Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) so they are providing him oxygen from outside and the baby may recover from this but there is a high chance of him having long-term breathing difficulties. As I took all the information in, I thanked every God present in this world that the baby survived.

(Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: infants lung become irritated and do not develop normally)

Jennie's POV:

I was deep in thoughts after the doctor told me everything about my baby and his health. I came out of my train of thoughts when someone entered my room. The intruder was mom. She just came inside, sat beside me and gave me a soft-lingering kiss on my forehead and said, "My brave daughter." Then she walked towards the incubator and admired the baby through the glass and said, "He is beautiful" and then asked me, "What do you want to name him?"

"Taehyung" I replied and then explained it's meaning. "Taehyung is someone whose all wishes will come true and everything will be alright even if facing difficult situations." My mom smiled at me and said, "Beautiful name for a beautiful baby." "Welcome Kim Taehyung to this world" I just whispered to myself.

It was only when Taehyung turned one month old, the doctors allowed him to be out of the incubator. I was also at the hospital from the past one month as the doctors told me that my body has become weaker after giving birth, so it's better for me to stay at the hospital. When I held my baby for the first time in my arms, I just don't know what I felt but my heart was pounding and I was crying silent tears. When he snuggled up in my arms, there was nothing more precious than my baby who was looking so cute while sleeping.

No-one's POV:

Two more months passed. Jennie was still in the hospital with Taehyung. Jiwon was also present in the hospital whenever she was free from her job and household chores. In these two months, Jennie spent as much time as she can with her baby. In this time, Taehyung had difficulty in breathing only once otherwise he was fine and had started to gain weight.

From the past 3-4 days, Jennie became bedridden and even sitting was a tiring task for her. Now she was laying on the hospital bed with Taehyung on her stomach and started talking to her baby. "Baby, I'm sorry cause mumma won't stay with you forever as every mother do. Baby I am sorry cause mumma won't be there when you will say your first word, she won't be there when you will learn to walk, she won't be there when you will learn to speak, she won't be there when you will go to school, she won't be there to pick you up when you will fall but mumma will always look after you from above, she will send all her love and blessings to you from above. But you have to promise that you will be a good baby and always stay healthy. Your grandma is a great woman, promise me that you will not trouble her, that you will always be a good boy. Your grandma will tell you about me when the right time will come, promise me that you will not trouble her by asking about me, promise me..." she said while crying because she is leaving her baby when he needs her the most.

As the baby could feel his mother's discomfort, he also started to cry. Jennie patted him, "Baby don't cry. Promise mumma you will be a brave boy. Promise me you will always be kind to everyone and help people whenever you can. Promise me you will not harm a single soul. Baby, mumma loves you, will always love you. I will not be able to show you my love physically but always send it from above. Please stay happy and healthy for mumma..." The heart monitor released a long beep indicating the end of a life, person, dreams which were once alive in the midst of this world but now will be lost forever again in the crowd of this world... Brumous as a mist!


Are you crying? Cause I'm
I'm sorry
But now our Taetae is finally born.
The main plot starts from Chapter 4

Any thoughts?
Love ya❤️💜🖤

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