Summary (till chapter 23)

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Here is a little summary of the story for you guys (I roughly read a few chapters to refresh my memories and wrote this, so it might have some mistakes).

Jungkook (he has daddy issues, literally) and Jennie had a one-night stand and Taehyung was created that day. Jennie had cancer and died soon after giving birth to Taehyung leaving him in the care of her mom (Ha Jiwon). 

Ha Jiwon (widow) was not financially stable to raise a baby but tried her best. She thought about giving the baby up for adoption and met Seokjin (an orphan, Jungkook's best friend, a trusted man of Minho) there. Seokjin comforted her and listened to her story. From her, he came to know about Taehyung being Jungkook's son and immediately called Jeon Minho (Jungkook's father).

Then they all came up with the idea of leaving Taehyung at Jungkook's doorstep. Minho was 90% sure that their plan will work as Seokjin was living with Jungkook and will be able to handle any problem.

Seokjin (Taehyung's uncle) is in a happy and healthy relationship and soon planning to get married (i forgot his girlfriend's name). He is Jungkook's best friend (they are childhood friends) and works as a COO at JeonCorps. 

Jungkook (CEO of JeonCorps) has a very rocky relationship with his dad, it started deteriorating after his mom's death (murder). Minho (chairman of JeonCorps) was so heartbroken after her death that he completely forgot about the world around him including his son. And slowly Jungkook drifted away from him and he realized it too late. But these days he is trying to at least have a civil conversation with him but Jungkook is like no. 

Taehyung was a premature baby and was born with underdeveloped lungs (diagnosed with BPD when he was an infant) due to which he needs special care as any small trigger can give rise to an asthma attack which can be life-threatening as he is still a toddler. 

Taehyung had two major incidents which had put him in the hospital. The first was the cigarette incident with his dad after which Jungkook started to become soft towards him and the other incident was the one where he had an allergic reaction to peanut butter. 

Taehyung doesn't remember anything about his father being rude to him and Jungkook wouldn't want him to know either. He is a really happy and curious child who is loved and adored by everyone around him but he is super sensitive too which explains why he cries so easily. He loves food and the process of making it. He has a friend named Yoongi but Taehyung calls him Sugy. His dad is his number one hero and loves him the most, don't tell that to Jiminie though.

Park Jimin is Jungkook's high school friend, they used to get in trouble together for doing illegal stuff like underage drinking, smoking, etc. During college, Jimin started to get a hold over his life and that soon landed him a job in JeonCorps. He now works as CMO in the company and adores Taehyung (his nephew) way too much although, in the beginning, Taehyung didn't like him at all. Jimin and Jungkook didn't let go of any chance of teasing and bickering with each other.

Jeon Jungkook struggled (mentally) a lot during his childhood and early teenage years. He totally hates the concept of romantic love and didn't want to indulge himself in that. The idea of having children never crossed his mind, but he doesn't regret having Taehyung. He is thankful that he came and saved him from going downhill. About three years ago, he used to have regular hook-ups with Park Soeun but he broke all ties with her after having Taehyung. She tried to call and text him sometimes as she needs money for her mom's treatment. He felt bad for her, so he sends her huge amounts of money every six months.

And lastly, we have Park Bogum (Taehyung calls him Bobo), Taehyung's babysitter. He is soon graduating from online college and works as a part-time babysitter for some extra cash. His both parents died in a car crash and he has a little sister (their parents left enough funds for both of their kids till they can complete college and get a job).

Now the age (in years) of all the characters:

Jeon Taehyung: 3 (soon turning 4)

Jeon Jungkook: 26 

Jeon Minho: 58

Kim Seokjin: 31

Park Jimin: 28

Park Bogum: 22

Ha Jiwon: 55

Min Yoongi: 8

Park Soeun: 29

Guys, please read chapter 23 for smooth sailing. But if you don't want to, this is for you: Jungkook has planned a family holiday to Jeju Island and he was preparing for that.


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