Chapter 8

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Jungkook's POV:

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Jungkook's POV:

I woke up due to a strong headache. 'Damn! This hangover' I thought as I sat up straight in the bed and looked around. It was a familiar but kind of unfamiliar room. I looked beside me and found Soeun sleeping.

I again looked around the room, it was in a nasty state. Beer bottles, clothes and used condoms were scattered all around. After looking at all of this, last night's events came rushing through my head. All this worsened my headache, I groaned in pain and covered my face with my hands and cursed myself for drinking too much.

Maybe all this groaning and cursing woke up Soeun as the next moment she is hugging my bicep. "Baby! You okay?" she asked. I tried to push her but she didn't budge. Instead she tightened her hold and attached her body to mine like a leech. "Baby! You okay?" she again asked. This time I pushed her with full force and succeeded in freeing my body.

"Stop calling me that" I said through gritted teeth. "But why? You only called me yesterday telling me that you need me" Soeun said with a fake sad pout on her face. "I called you because I needed someone to fu*k. Nothing less, nothing more. Don't get your hopes high" I said still holding my head in my hands.

"But why do you always call me? There must be a reason, right? Are you in love with me?" Soeun asked with hope in her voice. "You know it, I have told you many times. I don't do this love thing. Love is not my thing because love will hurt people. It will only destroy lives" I said losing myself in my deep thoughts. I was brought out of my trance when Soeun kept her hand on my shoulder.

(A/N: What is the reason for Jungkook hating love so much? What is his past? Any guesses?)

I again pushed her hand away and said, "I am saying this again. I only called you because I needed someone to fu*k. And you are the who is always free to do all this stuff. And you talk about love, we hardly see each other. This time we are meeting after like...what? Three weeks? Right?" "But Jungkook..." she tried to protest but I interrupted her, "Get yourself dressed and leave. I want some peace in my life."

"Jungkook I need some money. You remember I told you last time about my Mom being sick, she still has not recovered and I don't have enough money to pay for her hospital bills and buy medicines for her" Soeun said with a sad face.

"Take money from my wallet but please leave" I said with pleading hands. As soon as she heard that she happily walked towards my wallet and took all the cash present in it. "Thank you Jungkook. Thank you so much" she said beaming with happiness. I just gave her a glare and after that she hurriedly left.

No-one's POV:

*time after Jungkook left the house*

Jimin has also left after completing his work. So, Seokjin decided to check up on Taehyung. When he reached his room, Taehyung was all snuggled up between the pillows and the blanket covering his small body. Jin removed the blanket a little bit from Taehyung to have a clear look of his face but when he did that he was met with a horrifying sight.

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