Chapter 22

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(Infinite loop won)

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(Infinite loop won)

Previously on Serendipity Baby

When he was sure that the baby has dozed off, he sat down on the bed. He slowly removed his shoes still patting Taehyung's back.

He quietly shifted backward and rested his upper body on the headboard.

Taehyung slightly squirmed but didn't wake up as Jungkook rocked him back to sleep.

At last, the young CEO adjusted the small body on his chest then covered both of them with a blanket and drifted to sleep with his arms wrapped around his son.


The next morning, the doctor informed that Taehyung was doing fine and was good to go home.

So, now here Jungkook was standing before the hospital's front desk waiting for Taehyung's medical bills to be generated.

The toddler was peacefully sleeping in his father's arms, he had his head rested on his left shoulder while Jungkook had one of his arms wrapped around his small body securing him on his chest. From time to time, he patted Taehyung's back or rocked him back and forth lulling him more and more into the dreamland.

After paying the bill and buying Taehyung's medicine, he headed towards the hospital's parking lot.

Jungkook effortlessly opened the rear door of his car, accustomed to doing it with a sleeping toddler in his arms.

Then he settled the baby in his booster seat and wrapped him in a small blanket he always kept for Taehyung in the car after buckling up all the straps of the seat.

When Jungkook was satisfied after double-checking everything, he made his way to the driver's seat. He fastened his seat belt and played some soft music so that Taehyung won't be disturbed by outside and traffic noises.

Soon Jungkook was pulling up the car in their driveway. The toddler was still sleeping so the father had no other choice but to carry his son again.

He unlocked the main door and entered inside only to come face to face with Minho, nothing new for him as Minho always visits him unexpectedly. So he just walked past by his father ignoring all his calls to stop.

Minho held Jungkook's wrist to stop him from going to the second floor but the latter jerked it away from the older's hold and walked upstairs to Taehyung's room.

He laid the child down in his crib making a mental note to transit Taehyung sleeping arrangements from a crib to a proper bed. He adjusted the temperature of the aircon and switched on a humidifier kept on the bedside table in the toddler's room.

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