Chapter 7

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*next day*

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*next day*

No-one's POV:

Jungkook woke up, did his morning routine and went downstairs. Seokjin was cooking breakfast. "Hyung, you could have waited for me. Why are you always cooking for us? I am not a baby anymore; I can help you now" Jungkook said. "Yes, I know you are not a baby anymore cause now you have a baby of your own" Seokjin said with a teasing smile. "Wait, was it all not a bad dream?" Jungkook asked with a shook expression.

"No, it was not a dream. And yeah! I am cooking breakfast because today you will need lots of energy. Remember you have to do all the cleaning and shifting of Taehyung's room" Seokjin said with a small smile. Jungkook didn't say anything but looked around the living room. Many things like clothes, diapers, toys, etc. were scattered all around. He just plopped down on the couch and released a frustrated sigh.

"Don't be so moody, early in the morning. You have to work hard all day for your baby. If you will be in bad mood then how will you focus? If you won't be able to focus then how are you gonna finish the work. If you will not finish the work your baby will be sad. And I am sure Daddy Jungkook don't want his baby to be sad" Jin said in a teasing tone.

"Hyungg...! Now you also don't start. Jiminie hyung is more than enoughh..." Jungkook said whining. "OKAY! OKAY!" Jin said with an amused grin on his face. "And yeah you wanted to help me, right? Then don't sit there like an old man, go make coffee for yourself. Don't think I will do everything for you, I am not your maid" Jin said in a stern voice. Jungkook got up from his seat and walked towards the coffee maker. "Hyung! Has anyone told you about how much of a bipolar person you are?" Jungkook asked.

"No" Seokjin replied monotonously. "Well, then I am the first one" Jungkook said. "Hmm..okay!" Jin said as he turned the stove off. "Jungkook, I am going upstairs to wake up Taehyung. Can you prepare cerelac for him in the meantime?" Jin asked. Jungkook will never ever do that but his hyung has prepared the whole breakfast and he love him so respect him so much. (A/N: Jungkook trying his best to look like a cold person, but failing)

"Okay" Jungkook said without any emotion. Jin thanked him and blew his famous flying kiss towards Jungkook and ran upstairs. Jungkook released a sigh and started to prepare the baby's food. As soon as Jungkook finished making it, he sat down on the couch with the coffee he has prepared in his hand.

After sometime, Jin came back with a very sleepy Taehyung in his arms. Taehyung was so sleepy that he doesn't even looked around. The baby was trying his best to keep his eyes open but was not successful as he just wanted to sleep more. He was moving his head here and there in Jin's arms, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep.

"Hold him" Jin said. Jungkook just raised his eyebrows in question. "Jungkook, hold him" Jin said sternly this time. Jungkook just scooted away from Jin until he reached the end of the couch and asked, "Why? You are holding him, so keep holding him. "Okay" Jin replied and sat down on the couch. "I will keep holding him. Now, you go bring his clothes, diapers. Bring him water to drink. Go and fill his bathtub with water. I.will.just.hold.him" Jin said in one breath.

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