Chapter 18

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No one's POV:

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No one's POV:

It was early in the morning. The sun was shining brightly over the city increasing the temperature by few degrees, transforming the chilled winter morning into a warm sunny one.

Jungkook was drinking his morning coffee as every other person would be doing at that time but not all of them were entertaining a hyper toddler.

Taehyung was playing with cars, pushing the toy car here and there on furniture, floor babbling nonsense and producing zoom~ sound with his mouth.

Jungkook sighed, he doesn't like to hear loud sounds just after waking up.

How can he be so energetic just after waking up?
What a morning~

He thought and sipped his coffee and hissed at its bitter taste. Out of the corner of his right eye, he saw Taehyung trying to climb the couch where he was sitting.

Once the little boy was successful in climbing, he crawled towards his father and smiled at him. Jungkook patted his head in response and focused on his coffee.

The toddler also started to play with his Hot Wheels on the couch. With a zoom~ sound, he tried to imitate that his car flew from the couch and landed on his father's shoulder.

And now Taehyung stood up from his sitting position on the couch and began to drive the car over his father's body, from his one shoulder to another, from the shoulder to his neck, from his neck to his head, from his head to his chest.

Jungkook was watching his every action silently and trying his best not to say or do anything that he will regret later.

Taehyung climbed on his father's thighs and blew air on Jungkook's face and laughed when the latter closed his eyes.

After containing himself, the baby looked at his father whose eyes were still closed which he didn't like, he wanted to play which his Dad was not doing.

Jungkook thought if he will close his eyes, then Taehyung will get bored and will find something else for his amusement but he was wrong because he was forced to open his eyes after few seconds when he felt someone pulling his hair.

On opening his eyes, he was welcomed by Taehyung's pouting face.

"Dadee pway" the baby said and moved forward on his father's lap to hug him but in the process of moving forward, Taehyung stepped on Jungkook's nuts and crushed them.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung lightly away from himself and screamed in pain. He covered his crotch to ease some pain and fell backward on the couch.

Taehyung sat on the couch and just looked at him with curious eyes without uttering any word.

Yes, he is very glad that Taehyung's grandmother didn't take the baby back with her saying that she is old and wouldn't be able to provide him a good life and she also doesn't want to break Taehyung's heart by separating him from his father but these type of moments force Jungkook to think otherwise.

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