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Lucien Lupin Black was finishing up packing her trunk for Hogwarts. Fifth year she thought to herself, time flies when your trying not to die.

"Lucien! Come down now otherwise the gates will be closed!"
Her first father Remus Lupin called for her
Did she mention that she had two dads?

"Coming dad.' 
In all honesty she wasn't really looking forward to going back, the reason being that it would just be a year of trying not to die. But she was looking forward to seeing her friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Sirius and Remus and noticed how much their daughter rambled on about this one girl and this one girl was Hermione Granger, Muggle born but that didn't matter. They noticed how her eyes lit up at any mention of her name and knew they were sure to be a little more than friends.
Remus first noticed half way through fourth year from the way half of her letters mentioned Hermiones name. Sirius was oblivious to this and
was only made aware of it when Remus told him.

Lucien made her way down the stairs of  12 Grimmauld Place her home since third year, when she realised her dad wasn't an infamous murderer.
Before that she had lived with her cousin Nymphadora Tonks, she enjoyed her time there but was glad to be with her dads.

"Lucien are you coming or what?"
Sirius asked becoming impatient

"Yes of course just let me get my trunks!'
She replied laughing lightly at her Dads unableness to be patient

"Trunks? Why, have you got more than one?"
Remus asked shouted to her from downstairs
Sometimes he worried about his daughter, why would you need two trunks with a bottomless extension charm on them

"Well yes dad. I have a lot of things if you didn't notice!"
She shouted back with sarcasm lacing her voice

"But their bottomless."
Remus quizzed her

Lucien quickly realised her mistake and poured all her belongings into one trunk instead of two, much easier to carry now.

Remus and Sirius didn't seem to be able to tell the difference from when she was being serious or sarcastic. It caused them a bit of trouble, let's just say that.

Lucien was now downstairs with her trunk and was waiting to be escorted to the platform, since she wasn't of age yet she couldn't apparate so one or both of her dads had to go with her, only Remus could go though due to the fact that Sirius was still thought to be a mass murderer.

"So are we going then?"
She asked ever so innocently
She'd checked the time upstairs and noticed that she was running late, but her dads didn't need to know that

"Yes we are, now say goodbye and let's leave. You have- YOU HAVE SEVEN MINUTES HURRY!"
Remus panicked
He shouted
Although it wasn't scary or mean it was juts out of panic

"Bye dad, write to me yeah? I'll tell Harry you say hello as well. Love you!"
She shouted whilst being shoved out the door by her other dad.

"Is anyone near?"
He asked her
It was common knowledge that you couldn't be seen by muggles when apparating so they had to check that there were none near by

She replied
Even though there were a couple by passers

"Right ready?"
She didn't get a chance to answer as they had already apparated onto platform 9 and 3/4, but she didn't get much time to get her breath back as she was being shoved once again toward the train.

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