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It was try outs day for the gryffindors and Lucien had nothing better to do than attend them, with Hermione of course.


Harry was at a standstill in the air watching his trial team messing everything up; missing bludgers, letting quaffels into the hoop and juts straight up bumping into each other. The whole team was a failure so far.

He shouted but everyone continued but Ginny who flew next to him and smile at him, making a light blush rise to his cheeks

She screamed and the whole team froze and looked to Harry who was beaming at the Ginger next to him

Meanwhile Lucien and Hermione were sat in the stands watching the currently failing try outs with unimpressed expressions.
They were both disappointed that Ron hadn't even got to try yet, as he was the main reason they were there in the first place.

"Do you think he's ever going to give it a try?"
Lucien asked as she looked to Hermione who was rubbing her hands together from the Cold

"Of course, he been practicing at every second he got."

"Are you really that cold?"
The tall girl asked after a couple of second of silence, as the girls hands were now tiring red from the harsh temperature

Hermione muttered quickly and shoved her hands into her pocket trying to hide them from the taller girl

"Give over, I saw them, there gonna turn blue."
Lucien scoffed and grabbed the girls hands and rubbed them in between her own
She asked after continuously and trying to warm the he hands up

Hermione smiled shyly but made no move to remove her hands from the girls grasp
"Can I hold your hands? Just so they don't get cold!"
She spoke quickly and smiled shyly

Lucien nodded her head and continued to warm Hermione's hands as the trials continued, both girls not daring to look at each others faces from fear of their blushes being noticed, only sneaking glance at their connected hands


"I have to admit, I thought I lost that last one."
Ron laughed as he, Hermione, Lucien and Harry sat in the Gryffindor common in-front of the burning fire

"I knew you'd get into the team!"
Lucine smiled widely at him but her face dropped when she saw Harry immersed in the Potions book once again.
She nudged Hermione who looked at her expectantly but noticed why she wanted her attention when she saw Harry unaware of the two girls scolding glare

"Are you ever going to get your nose out of that book?"
Hermione huffed at him and he looked at her with wide eyes

"I don't always read it!"
He defended quickly as he slammed the book shut and Ginny sat down next to him

"You basically sleep with it!"
Lucien laughed at the boy

"Give it here."
Ginny asked him and reached her hand out to him expecting the book, but he stood up quickly and hid the book behind his back

He mumbled and looked at her as she raised an eyebrow at him, Ginny glanced over his shoulder to see Lucien sneaking up behind him to grab the book

"The half blood Prince who's that?"
Lucien asked as she had grabbed the book off him and opened the first page

"I don't know but give it back!"
Harry sighed and looked at her

"Harry you have to get rid off it, your cheating!"
Hermione joined the three

"Not blood likely Hermione, he's top of the class, he a genius. He's even better than you-"
Ron started but shut up from the glare that he received from Hermione

"It's not right Harry, the book could be dangerous, we know nothing about it."
Lucien added to him as she still held the book in her hand

He smiled at her sarcastically and continued
"And that's why I'm reading it. So I know more about it."

Lucien huffed and threw the book back to him as the boy smiled smugly at her
"But the second anything happens your going to throw it away, okay?"
She asked and raised and eyebrow at him

"Yes, fine, whatever."
Harry mumbled and turned around from the girls to face Ron
"I'm going to bed, you coming?"
He asked and the redhead nodded, standing up from his seat and following Harry up the stairs to the dormitories, muttering a small 'night' to the girls


Lucien and Hermione had left the Gryffindor common room to the girls dormitories, Lucien being to tired to walk back to her own room decided to stay in Hermiones.

"I don't see why he won't get rid of it."
Hermione huffed from her desk as Lucien sat on the other girls bed waiting for her to finish her homework
"It's so dangerous, honestly."

"Mione, if anything bad happens he's said that he'll get rid of it. Don't worry."
Lucien said as a breathy laugh left her lips

Hermione turned to face her with her lips pursed
"And you believe that do you?"

"Yes, I do. Do you?"

Hermione dropped her pen on the desk and moved over to the bed, where Lucien was sat and stood in front of her
"Ron's right, he's top of the class. He'll think of a reason to keep it."
She sighed and sat down next to her best friend and leaned her head on her shoulder, not thinking anything of it

Lucien squeaked, hoping the small girl wouldn't hear her voice waver, luckily she didn't

"I just get so worried about him."
Hermione muttered and started to draw shapes on the girls leg as they sat together, making the said girls blush darken

"He has his moments."
Lucine cleared her throat and removed Hermione's hand from her leg, making the girl look at her confused
"I'm tired. Can we sleep now please?"
She asked hoping the answer would be yes

"Yes of course, you don't need to ask to sleep Lu"
Hermione laughed as stood up from her bed and grabbed a spare jumper and Jogging bottoms for Lucien to change into

Lucien just stared at Hermione as the clothes were thrown at her, she would've just slept in her uniform

"I thought you were tired?"
Hermione smirked at her quirked an eyebrow up at her and the girl scrambled up from the bed and ran into the bathroom to change

"What an idiot"
They both muttered to themselves


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