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It was now a week or two since the Weasleys and the Golden quintet had returned to school, it was also the third day of their OWL exams and it was stressing the group out.

The boys had been pestering Hermione and Lucien for help on revising, Hermione gave in every now and then as she didn't want them to fail, but Lucien had not given in yet and she didn't intend to, she thought that If they didn't revise then they could deal with the consequences.

"Come on please Lucien! Hermione's helping us!"
Ron exclaimed as he waved his parchment in the air

"Yes only because she doesn't want you to fail, you should have revised and studied more shouldn't you."
She told him bluntly as she snatched his parchment from his hand and threw it on the floor

"Well y-yeah I spose. But it's not my fault if I didn't have time!"
He shouted as he picked his revision notes up

"It is when you have the time but decide not to use it wisely. Look at me for example I've studied almost every day since the start of the year!"

"Ron we'll just get Hermione to help us."
Harry tried to reason with him as he stood from the sofa

With that the two boys left the Gryffindor common room to go find Hermione.

Lucien heard footsteps behind her and turned round to be faces with a stern looking Hermione

"If your here to shout at me because I won't help them, then I don't want to hear it."
Lucien snapped, not even knowing the reason for the girls appearance

"Actually I was going to tell you that I'm going to refuse them when they ask for my help. Your right you know. If they didn't revise then they can deal with the consequences.
She replied coolly as she pulled her hair into a pony

Lucien mumbled
She gave her a bobble/ hair tie for her hair

"Thanks. Anyway we've got our charms exam in 10 minutes."
She told her whilst looking at her watch
"Do you want to go now?"

"Oh um yeah okay, hey do you reckon we can sit next to each other?"
She asked Hermione as they walked out the Gryffindor common room

"Lu, we'll be in exam conditions, our desks will be separated. But yes if it puts your mind at rest we can 'sit' by each other."
She laughed and pulled her bag further over her shoulder

They shortly arrived at the great hall, which was not suprisingly surrounded by anxious fifth years all awaiting their charms exam. They saw Ron and Harry making their way up to them both looking equally worried for the upcoming exam.

"so Hermione."
ron started
"will you help me and Harry study for our next few exams?"

"Im sorry Ron, and you Harry, but i need to study as well and i don't have enough time to help the two of as well."
she told them, it was true but she wasn't going to tell the boys that it was because of Lucien as well.

"erm. Brilliant"
Harry stated bluntly as he looked around nervously

Hermione opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Professor Umbridge calling them into the Great hall, to start the examination.
"All fifth years awaiting Professor Flitwicks charm examination may now enter the hall!"
she squeaked

"oh bloody hell, here we go.
Ron mumbled so only their small group could hear


Around 40 minutes into the exam thumping was heard from the other side, like thunder. It almost sounded as if the troll from first year was back.
Umbridge glared a the door as if to make the noise stop which of course, didnt work.
She stood up from her chair at the front of the hall and made her way towards the Great big wooden doors, as she opened them she was greeted by the two famous Weasley twins. Both of them on brooms, which were meant to be in Umbridges office; confiscated.

"Alright there Professor!"
they both greeted the toad
They wasted no time in flying into the hall only to release their Weasley product fireworks, they were flying all over the hall dropping fireworks on top of people, especially the Slytherins. One blew up in Malfoys face, leaving and imprint of his scared expression on the wall behind him.

Lucien watched with awe, she stood from her desk and walked over to Harry Ron and Hermione, all of them clapping and cheering for the twins.
"didn't think they could ever do anything better than swamping the hallways!"
she exclaimed, smiling slightly whilst remembering the epic prank

"neither did i mate. They never told me about this though."
Ron told the group as they watched the twins flying around the hall

"Ron if they told you it would ruin the suprise for you!"
Hermione told him
she moved closer to Lucien so she was standing in front of her with her hear resting on her collarbone.

"Getting comfy are we?"
Lucien asked her, slightly smirking

She smirked and looked up at Lucien making eye contact

Lucien bent down and pressed a kiss to her forehead and smiled smugly at her her blushing
"Little bit flustered?"
She asked teasingly

"Shut up."
Hermione mumbled and looked away


Soon enough the twins had left the hall and were now in the courtyard, letting of more fireworks. Lucien saw Professor Flitwick discretely throw his fist into the air, cheering the twins on. Everyone was clapping, celebrating the disruption.

Lucien admired the atmosphere before turning around and noticing Harry behind her, looking slightly pale. She nudged Hermione who looked at her before realising who Lucien was looking at, it was Harry who was now collapsing to the floor. Lucien quickly made her way to him, Hermione following closely behind.

"Harry! Whats wrong? Is it your scar?"
Hermione asked him worriedly, Ron had now joined them next to Harry.

"Sirius. Hes got Sirius."
He shouted to them


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