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"Sirius. Hes got Sirius."


"Come on, hes in danger! We have to help him!"
he shouted once again. Now making their way up the moving staircases

"Harry wait!"
Hermione exclaimed
"what if you-know-who wanted you to see it? What if its a trap to get you there?"
she asked, once she they had all stopped

"Hermione i saw it, i saw him! Hes in danger!"
He shouted getting more impatient
He carried in up the stairs but Hermione grabbed his arm and stopped him from going any further

"i know Harry but what if its-"

"your not listening Hermione!"
he cut her off whilst shouting even louder now.

"Harry. Listen i understand that your angry and worried about Dad, but you need to hear Mione out she has a point."
She took a breath and carried on
"What happens if we get to wherever were going and it is a trap?"
Lucien defended, which was rewarded with a grateful smile from Hermione

"well then we'll fight."
he stated, as if fighting one one of the most powerful wizards on earth.

She shouted to him
"He may be your godfather but he's my dad! Your acting irrationally, your not thinking straight."
She growled at him

"Yeah? Well he's the only family I've got left."
He retorted back

"Shut up."
She glared at him
"He's. My. Dad."
She shouted at him louder than before
She noticed Hermione Juno from her voice level so she returned to her normal speaking level
"I'm worried sick about him and your making it all about you Harry."

At this he looked away knowing she was right,
Ron took the silence as sign to ask questions

"you haven't even told us where sirius is."
ron told him
"How are we supposed to save her dad if we don't know where he is?"

"Department of Mysteries."
he replied bluntly as the group started moving up the stairs again

"well how the hell are we going to get there then. Were in Scotland and The ministry is in London?"
Lucien asked Harry still unhappy with him
"All brooms have been confiscated, we can't apostate and all the fireplaces are under ministry surveilance."

"not all of them."
everyone looked to Hermione
"there's one in Umbridges office that not being watched."

"brilliant you are Mione."
Lucien praised the girl
"Absolutely brilliant"

The quintet made there way up to Umbridges office to the fireplace, trying not to draw attention to themselves was hard considering the Inquisitorial squad and Filch were on the prowl.

"Right you three stay on watch, I'll go to Sirius."
Harry told them once they reached the office

"Harry when will you understand that we're going with you. We're in this together-"
Hermione countered as he opened the door

"That you are."
The voice of Umbridge came from behind them.

"This is not good in so many ways"
Lucien thought

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