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It was now the day that everyone would leave Hogwarts, Lucien had originally planned on going home for the holidays but Mrs Weasley wrote to her saying that she would be staying at the burrow with the ready of the Weasley family, her dads would also be there for the majority of the time.

After Lucien incident at the Ministry, Remus and Sirius hadn't gotten to spend much time with her since she was taken back to Hogwarts for treatment, as St Mungos would've asked questions as to what happened and it was too hard to retell and not miss any key moments.

She was now in the Hufflepuff common room, it was partially empty because everyone had left for the train already. Lucien had waited because her friends had said that they would meet her at her own common room, as she had always gone to theirs and Hermione was the only one who had actually seen what it looked like from the inside.

She had been sat on the sofa thinking about yesterday and what Hermione had said to her about deserving a kiss. She had realised that what she had done was rather selfish.

'I could've kissed her by now.'
She thought to herself

She was drawn out of her thoughts by Harry shouting her name through the portrait, she forgot to tell them how to get into the common room and she could only guess that they had been there for a while trying to get in. She would've thought that Hermione would've at least known but clearly not.

"Lucien! Come on let us in!"
Harry shouted through the portrait
Lucien could hear the annoyance in his voice but it only made her take her time getting to the portrait.

"Alright, I'm coming."
She answered while opening the entrance for the inside.
"You have to tap the barrels in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff."
She informed them so if there was ever a next time that they were at the Yellow common room they would know how to get in.

"But there could thousands of different ways to tap the rhythm."
Ron's said loudly, although it nearly burst Luciens ear drums as they were stood right next to each other.

"Well that's what makes it so good, obviously nobody other than the Hufflepuffs would know the exact rhythm."
Hermione told Ron

"So shall we go then?"
Harry asked the group.

Lucien answered for the rest
"Although I don't know where my trunk is. You guys said that Mione packed for me but didn't say where it was."
Lucien looked at Hermione for answer, who didn't seem to want to look her way.

"Well I've got with me."
She replied to Lucien, but it was quiet as she was looking down to the floor
"I didn't see the point in bringing it back to you if we were just going to see you again today."

"Oh alright, I'm guessing it's out in the hall then?"
Lucien asked her
She didn't get a complete answer but she got some sort of a mumble which she presumed to be a 'yes'.

The group left the common room and made their way towards the great big doors, as they reached them Ron and Harry and noticed the tension in between the two girls and wanted to know why they were acting so awkward.

"Alright what's going on With the both of  you two?"
Harry asked them both, the two of them stopped and turned round to look at Harry who was stood next to Ron.

"I don't know."
Lucien replied honestly
She had a slight hunch that it was from what happened in the hospital wing but she didn't think it was that big of a deal.

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