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Sorry for no update for a while lol-
It's nots long cuz it's a filler

It was now morning and in a few hours the two Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Lucien would be heading to hogwarts. Not before they got their OWL results though.

"Mrs Weasley are you sure you haven't seen any owls? None at all?"
Hermione fretted and paced around the kitchen

"No dear."
Molly turned to face the girl from where she was peeling potatoes
"There haven't been any, and if there had you would've already got them."
She turned back to peeling the potatoes

Lucien came down stairs and into the kitchen and sat down at the table, next to where Harry and Ron were sat

"Has she been like this all morning?"
She asked the boys and nodded her head towards Hermione

"Yeah, she seems to think that she's failed a couple of her subjects"
Ron handed her a piece of toast from his plate as he'd eaten the rest
"But I keep telling her not to worry and-"

Lucien dropped the toast from the scream that was emitted from the cooking area, and she almost fell off her seat

"What's that about?"
She asked Harry and stood up from the table to see
"Hermione. What's wrong?"
She asked again

"The owls are here."
Hermione pointed out the window to four dots which were gradually getting closer to them

"Ah yes they are."
Molly opened the window and let the owls in, all of them brown with speckles of black on their wings.
"Here you go"
She handed the letters to the two girls and called the boys over for the their letters


"What did you get then?"
Ron asked Hermione as they were all sat in his room going over their results

"Oh Um I did alright i think."
Hermione looked up to him and smiled shyly before her parchment was ripped from her hands by Ron

"Oh shove off, yep. Nine outstandings and one exceeds expectations, your actually upset aren't you."
He laughed and handed the paper who Lucien who gave it back to Hermione who muttered a 'thanks'

"You did well."
Lucien told her and gave Hermione her own parchment to look at.
It was only fair since she'd seen the shorter girl results already

"You did amazing Lu."
Hermione told her and handed her the results back
"7 outstandings and 3 Exceeds expectations."

"It's really not that good, it's still-"

"Yes it is! It's bloody brilliant. Me and Harry only got goods and acceptables."
Ron laughed at the two who seemed to have been talking to have turned away from the boys.

"Now we've got to prepare for NEWTs though, they've got to be what?"
Harry looked around the four of them
"10x harder?"
He laughed and the other three joined in

Mrs Weasley soon walked in and they all showed their grades to her and she hugged them all.

While she was hugging Hermione, Lucien was watching and when their eyes met the both smiled at each other and she mouthed 'im proud of you' and the shorter girl smiled back at her and laughed lightly.


"You know I think I did really well with my results."
Lucien said as she sat in the girls room waiting for Hermione to finish her letter to her parent about the OWLS
"Don't you think I get a reward, love?"
She asked innocently knowing that nickname made Hermione flustered

"No, and I'm not getting one either am I?"
She finished her letter and sealed it putting it in her pocket and moved over to the the window where Ron's owl was

Lucien asked and she sighed when the shorter girl shook her head no
"Why not?"
She asked and stood up so she was standing behind the girl

Hermione didn't turn round yet and was finishing up tying her letter to the owl and shrugged her shoulders

Lucien moved closer and wrapped her arms around the bushy haired girls waist and rested her head on her shoulder

Hermione muttered quietly as her own arms lay on top of Lucien's around her waist, and relaxed into the girls embrace

"Why are you so persistent about this?"
Lucien asked as she sound the girl in her arms around so their chests were flat against each other, as her hands were still on her hips and started rubbing circles on them.

"Because it's fun."
Hermione's deadpanned and smiled cheekily up at her, but her smile dropped and her face turned beet red when Lucien started moving closer in to her face. She closed her eyes waiting for the kiss to happen that she had been waiting so long for

When their lips were inches away she felt Luciens breath on her lips lightly and she opened her eyes as they locked together, and Lucien pulled away.

"What was that?"
Hermione asked frantically as the tall girl backed off from her
"You can't ask me to kiss you and then when you go to kiss me, back out!"

"Because it was fun."
Lucien mocked Hermione from before

"Oh ha ha, very funny Lu."
She crossed her arms over her chest and walked towards the girl who gulped nervously

She moved her face right in front of the girls, so their noses where touching. She looked Luciens face up and down and left the room, leaving the black haired girl regretting her decision.

They would've kissed by now
They should've kissed by now


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