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Luna and Harry lead the group into the outskirts of the Forbidden forest, where the Thestrels were most likely to be.

Lucien stopped seeing the Thestrels, she thought they were beautiful
"Is that-"
She asked Luna as they neared the creatures

"A Thestral, yes. I didn't know you could see them too."
Luna replied still in a daze looking at the creatures

"Oh yeah, I don't really know why I can see them I just can. Reckon i saw someone die when I was a baby, probably why I can't  remember."
She looked over to Harry who was listening with impatience.

He's not just your godfather he's my dad.
She thought to herself
I'm also worried, but what if it's a trap?

"Right well there's only one and we need one for every two of us. Any ideas?"
Harry asked the group looking at all of them

"More will come, you Lucien and Hermione are all covered in blood -"
Luna reassured the group not realising how sinister what she had said had sounded

"Oh that was the centaurs and their arrows."
Lucien interrupted
"Nothing to bad! Nobody got hurt! Well not really."
She added in an attempt to calm everyone's worried faces

"What she means is that the centaurs were protecting us from Umbridge. We just got in the way."
Hermione clarified as the group all looked frantic

"Yeah that's sounds completely bloody safe."
Ron piped up from the back of the group doing an impression of firing a bow and arrow

"Yeah but at least-"
Lucien started

"Look here more come!"
Luna interrupted, she beckoned the rest of the group over

"Right I'll go with Ron, Luna go with Ginny, Lucien go with Hermione."
Harry smirked at the pair, still holding hands
"And I'm sorry Neville but you'll have to go on you own."

"But I can't see them, how can I get in one when I can't see it?"
Neville protested
"Why can't I go with Lucien!"
He asked looking at the said girl

"I'll help you Neville. When you get on one try not to let the Wrackspurts get to you."
Luna offered

"Oh right thanks Luna."
He said shyly still looking at Lucien

"Nev come here, I need to tell you something."
She told him whilst everyone was climbing onto their thestrels
"Listen I'm really sorry but I'm gay."
She told him

"Oh Um right yeah, uh bye!"
He turned and ran off to Luna in attempt to hid his embarrassment

She then rejoined the group and climbed on to her own Thestrel while helping Hermione on as well and readied themselves to head off.

"Are you sure this is safe?"
Ron asked from behind Harry on the creature
"Bloody mental this is"

"Ron of course it's safe, do you think I would let Mion- everyone do this if it wasn't?"
Lucien shouted to the ginger while trying to conceal her blush

"Yeah your right, you wouldn't want 'everyone' to get hurt would you."
He replied smirking at the two and turned back to facing forwards

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