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Lucien had her first Defence against the dark arts class today and was looking forward to it, until of course she found out about who the teacher was.
Professor Umbridge, also known as the toad.

For some reason she didn't have a liking towards her or Harry, she could understand why she wouldn't like Harry as the ministry were trying to cover up the fact the Voldemort was back. But her, she had no idea. She'd never even spoken to the professor and they'd already gotten off on the wrong foot.

What a great start to the year

Yet here she was sat next to Hermione as always, in the toads class.
A paper bird was flying around the classroom but it didn't last long as it burst into flames.
Everyone looked to the back of the classroom and there Stood the one and only Pink toad, with her Cheshire Cat grin

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. O-W-L, more commonly known as OWLS. Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe."
Umbridge spoke to the class as she walked towards the front of the room

"You will be a following a carefully structured, ministry approved course of defensive magic."
She rambled on yet again now facing the students.
She flicked her wand and the pile of text books from behind her moved onto every students desk. One each.

Hermiones hand shot into the air
Something that happened a lot

"Yes miss?"
The toad asked her, you could see smile drop when she noticed Hermione's hand in the air and it was good to know that she didn't like being questioned.

"um Granger."
She told the teacher
"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells."

"Using spells"
The teacher repeated
"Well I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."
She asked her ghee smile faltering more

"We're not gonna use magic?"
Ron piped up from next to Harry who was burning holes into the side of the Professors head with his glare

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way."
She replied to his question.
She turned away from the students and took a small breath

What she didn't expect was Harry to retort back to her
"Well what use it that? If we're going to be attacked it won't be risk free."
He stated in a matter of fact tone
The students around him agreed with him and the noise level of the room started to rise
"And how is theory going to help us against what's out there?"
He retorted again barely being heard from the loudness of the students around him

She shouted
The class was silent as they awaited her next sentence
"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine would want to attack children like yourself?"

Lucien zoned out again by staring at Hermione, even though they were right next to each other she didn't seem to notice.

The next thing she heard was
From the toad

"Why are you giving him detention? Professor."
Lucien asked, not knowing what was going on
Everyone's gaze was now on her and she shrunk back in her seat slightly feeling slightly awkward

"Are you questioning my teaching?!"
The Professor asked her

"Not at all, I was just um finding it hard to listen."
She admitted but the moment the words left her mouth she knew that she made a mistake, another reason was that she heard Hermione gasp when she finished her sentence.

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