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Today was the last day of the summer holiday, Lucien wished she could've spent more of it with Hermione, but she didn't and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Sixth year."
She thought to herself as she lay on her bed
"We're NEWT students now."

Shortly she heard footsteps coming up the stairs to her room in the burrow, she recognised them. They were Mrs Weasleys
"Lucien are you coming along? Or are you staying and am I getting your books for you?"
She asked the girl

Lucien looked over to her standing in the doorway and nodded at her.
"Yeah I'm coming."

"Right then. You best come downstairs then before we leave without you."
Mrs Weasley told her and left the room

Lucien stood up from her bed and threw on a coat and ran downstairs, it was Hermione's birthday on 19th September and she was planning on getting her present today. Even though it was 31st August, it was better to be prepare and organised.

As she arrived in the living room she was met with all the Weasley children with the exception of the twins of course, all waiting to leave, with Hermione and Harry as well

"Bloody hell, we were waiting for you for ages."
Ron moaned to her as he put his cloak on

She just rolled her eyes at the ginger and stood next to Harry

"So how are we getting there then?"
She asked the rather large group of redheads

"Floo powder dear."
Mrs Weasley smiled at her and handed her a small bag of white powder.
"Now everyone into the fireplace, and when I say Diagon Alley, hold your breath."

"Mrs Weasley why do we need to hold our breaths?"
Hermione asked the small woman

"Well, unless you want a mouthful of soot then I suggest you do it."
She laughed and rummaged in her pocket for her own bag of powder

"You've never done this before, have you?"
Lucien asked the smaller girl

Hermione looked at her and shook her head, she then reached for Luciens hand and pulled the tall girl next to her.
She asked when she saw Luciens confused face

"Why did you want me next to you?"
She asked her

"I don't know, it just makes me feel safer when I use this thing."
Hermione told her and smiled slightly, not realising that what she said made Luciens heart flutter

"I make her feel safe."
She thought

And then the green flames swallowed them all and they arrived at Diagon alley


"Woah, how'd they get away with that?"
Lucien asked Mrs Weasley as the passes Fred and George's shop which was advertising a new item; you-know-poo!

"I don't know, but they ought to get rid of it soon before something happens."
She told the girl.
"Right then, you lot go in. I need to speak to Arthur about this."

The group walked into the shop and the twins were stood on the second floor, watching over their customers.

Lucien saw Hermione and Ginny near the love potions, looking at them.

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