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It was a few days after the DA had been discovered and it was taking a toll on everyone that participated in it.
The detentions had only furnished the day before and Luciens arm was scared from her fingers to her shoulder, many teachers questioned the students about their scars but as soon as Professor Umbridges name was brought into the conversation, they couldn't do anything about it.

Today Lucien thought that it would be good to see how Luna and Neville were, she hadn't seem them since they arrived at hogwarts and she had some herbology homework that she though she could do.


The quintet were sat at the gryffindor table at breakfast without Lucien, Hermione was a little upset that she wasn't there but she knew there was a reason for it.

Harry and Ron on the other hand didn't mind it that much. As much as the were best friends it was nice to have some space for a day.

Hermione looked up and spotted the taller girl walking out of the hall with Luna and Neville at her side laughing at something she had. Jealousy bubbled inside of her like never before
She shouted, catching her attention

Lucien walked towards the latter and smiled, still standing up
"Hey Mione, what's up?"
She asked looking to the girl

"I was just wondering why you didn't sit with me- I mean us."
Hermione asked while picking some food up and wrapping it up for later, drawing the attention away from her blush
She looked to Ron who was smirking at her and she rolled her eyes and listened to Lucien

"Oh, I just thought that I could hang out with these for a bit."
She pointed towards the Ravenclaw and Neville
She smiled awkwardly and turned around quickly to the two and they left the hall together


"Neville are you sure this is right?"
Lucien asked him
"I know Harry used gillyweed in fourth year, but I didn't know it was dangerous."
She huffed and looked back to her parchment in front of her

They were sat in the Hufflepuff common room as it was a nice for doing Herbology homework because of its plant themed interior.
Luna was dancing about with her charm bracelets, 'deterring the wrackspurts and nargles' as she'd said

"Yes I'm sure of it, I've read all the books on herbology and I'm 99%- 98%."
He sighed and looked out the window and back to Lucien
"Look I'm sure of it, juts trust me."
Her smile at her when Lucien looked up from her work. He blushed a little, which Lucien noticed

"The last thing i needed is someone having a crush on her, it wont sit well with Hermione."
She thought and looked away

"Hey listen I was wondering if you wanted to-"
Neville started but was cut off by Luna
He sighed and looked away slightly angry at the interruption

"Oh hello Harry."
She walked past him gazing into the distance at nothing
"I best be going, i can feel the nargles getting closer. Goodbye Neville and Lucien."
She waved to them and left the room

Harry cleared his throat and gestured for Lucien to go to him

"I've got to go now."
She told while picking up her books and quills
"I'll see you later Nev."
She shouted as she walked out of the common room with Harry

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