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Lucien awoke in the morning like every other day not noticing any thing different.

She was on her way to breakfast in the Great Hall, as she did every day. She made her way to the Gryffindor table like she always did and waited for her friends, but they never showed up. She immediately started to worry since she knew that Harry had been having nightmares about Voldermort and his Death Eaters, she also knew that if anything had happened Sirius, her dad would know.

So that's what lead her to Professor Snapes classroom, to ask. She knew he was apart of something called the Order of the Phoenix, which meant that whether he liked it or not he was in contact with her dads. His classroom also had a fireplace that wasn't being watched, because he was trusted by Umbridge, the only other unsupervised fireplace was umbridge's herself.

She asked while knocking on his door

"Come in Miss Lupin"
He interrupted from the opposite side of the door.
He was the only person who didn't call her Miss Lupin - Black simply because he preferred Remus to Sirius.

"What do I owe this pleasure?"
He sneered at her

He was sat at his desk and we surrounded by empty vials that would've contained different potions

"I need to speak to my dad"
She told him
He glared at her and she coughed, shuffling under his intense gaze

"If you must. You can use the floo powder, you have 10 minutes. If you are late, you are to inform me so I can tell the Head Mistress of your where abouts."
He told her
He threw her a bag of flop powder

"Yes. Thank you sir."
She stepped into the fireplace and took a breath before grabbing a handful of powder

"Before you leave."
Snape stood from his desk and moved toward the girl
"May I ask your reasons for speaking to your filthy father."
He snarled looking at her from over his hooked nose

"My friends there all missing, I don't know where they are. I thought that dad may no where there are or if somethings happened to Harry, with him being in the order and all."
She retorted
She didn't like how he called ever dad 'filthy' but she had somewhere to be, and didn't have time to call him out on it

"Very well"
He sneered again and turned around back to his desk

"12 grimmauld Place!"
She let the green flames swallow her, revealing her in the fireplace at headquarters and her home. She wasted no time in exiting the fireplace in search of answers.

"Dad! Dad! Where are you?"
She shouted whilst running through the house until the got to the kitchen area, where all of her friends and her dad were sat.

"Wha- what are you all doing here?"
She asked them. She looked to the top of the table to find Mr Weasley in bandages.
"What happened to you Arthur?"
She asked him out of breath from running

Before he could reply Molly ushered her out the door  of the kitchen and shutting it on her.
After a few seconds Hermione came out with a sad look on her face.

"Why are you here and not at School Mione?"
She asked her, her anger was slowly rising
"Why is everyone but me here? At my own house?"

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