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It had now been a few weeks since Umbridge had first started creating crazy decrees, limiting the things the students could or couldn't do. It was getting out of hand, the amount of times Lucien had choked because umbridge tightened her tie for her was unbelievable

Hermione and Lucien had managed to fit in three more Hogsmead visits, and they were extremely enjoyable for the both of them.
They had both realised that since that night in Hermiones dorm there had been unspoken tension between them that made things a little awkward every now and then

It was now December 18th, 7 days before Christmas, and the quintet had been stressed with Dumbledores Army, the DA for short. The DA was a group that was led by Harry once a week, to teach them DADA, properly. There last lesson that they had they were learning 'reducto' , a very powerful spell used to blast away enemies into ash or tiny pieces of rubble.

Lucien, Hermione, Ron along with the other members of the DA, were in the final ten minutes of their current meeting. They were doing the Patronus charm, Hermione and Lucien were paired up despite Ron's protests, and Lucien was near to perfecting the charm.

The idea was to think of an extremely happy memory or memories, so that's what Lucien had spent the last few minutes trying to think of one, and when she finally did she repeated the encantation

Flash back
Hermione had been petrified and today was the day that she was able to leave the hospital wing

The doors to the great hall opened and there she stood smiling like a mad man at though if seeing her friends again
She ran towards her friends who were sat at the gryffindor table

Lucien stood up from her seat and ran towards her meeting her half way, almost knocking her over from the force of there bodies coming into contacts with each other

"I Missed you Mione."
She said to the smaller girl as they hugged each other tightly

"I miss you too, Madam Pomfrey said that you came to see me every day."
Hermione hugged the girl tighter if it was
Even possible

"Well yeah."
She admitted
"You were petrified, of course I did."
She smiled at her

The two stood for a while longer hugging in the middle of the great hall, that's when it clicked for the both of them.

That's when they realised they felt a little more than friendship for the other.


"Expecto Patronum!"
A wolf like dog burst out of the end of her wand reminding her off her dads Sirius and Remus, and ran off to an Otter that was crawling around the room and they started playing together,  basing each other. Lucien looked to find the owner of the Otter to find it was Hermione's patronus.

Lucien walked closer to Hermione and slung her arm around her shoulder, just as she was about to say something she was interrupted by a loud banging coming from the front wall of the Room Of Requirement

The banging didn't stop, it carried on gradually getting louder and louder

Harry and another member approached the wall with care, to find a small hole, big enough so you could barely see through it.
Harry gasped when he saw who was on the other side of it.

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