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lol this is probably shit but I'm gonna look at all me chapters and see if I can make them better again

Ron, Lucien and Harry were stood at the side of the corridor laughing at all the struggling first years and teachers trying to rush through to their classes.
It was quite a sight

"Potter, Black, I suggest you make your way to potions."
Professor Mgonagall interrupted their 'session' as they looked over to her

"But we've got a free period Professor!"
Harry told her and the teacher shook her head at the three

"And I suggest you use it wisely. Or is it no longer your ambition to become an auror?"

"Yes, but Professor Snape said that he had get outstanding to go into NEWTs"
Lucien spoke for him as Professor Mgonagall rose and eyebrow up at the girl

"Well it's a good job that he is no longer teaching that subject. Now hurry along and Potter, Black? Bring Weasley with you. He's having too much fun."

"Yes Professor."
Harry and Lucien mumbled as they pulled Ron into a face paced walk to Potions


"Ah! Harry m'boy."
Slughorn clapped his hands at the boys entrance not noticing Lucien or Ron
"Just in time!"
He laughed and finally saw the two others behind Harry

"We don't have books sir."
Lucien told the teacher as she shuffled on her feet

"And you are?"
He asked and stared at her, making her Shrink in her spot

"Um, Lucien-"

"-Lupin Black, by any chance?"
The old Professor finished for her and she nodded hesitantly
"And who's this?"
He asked her pointing to the ginger next to her and Harry

"Oh um, Ronald Weasley. But I'm dead awful at potions, a menace actually, so I'll just go-"
Ron answered and turned to leave but was stopped by the teacher speaking to him again

"Ah, nonsense my boy, grab a book from the cupboard, there should be enough."
Slughorn told them and turned back around to finish introducing the class to the subject, not noticing the two students at the back of the classroom fighting for a book and the other watching

"Honestly you two, it's just a book."
Lucine whisper shouted to them but why ignored and Ron prised the new, clean Potions book, leaving Harry with the old one

Lucien walked slowly towards the rest of the students when she spotted Hermione standing at the front, so she snuck up next to her lightly pushed her to scare her

Hermione turned around and glared at the girl and was about to scold her but was interrupted by Slughorn

"Miss Granger? Could you please tell me what this potion is?"
He asked and smiled at the bushy haired girl

"Yes sir, it amortentia the strongest love potion in the world. For example I smell Wood, grass and some Type of metal."
She answered before stepping away from the cauldron and looking to the rings on Luciens hands.


"Have either of you heard of sectemsempra?"
Harry asked they all sat in the hufflepuff common room

They all answered and returned to what they were doing

"Okay. It's just that it's written in this book."
He mumbled so nobody could hear

"Why are you so in love with that bloody book?"
Lucien asked from where she was sat next to Hermione

"Come here then."
He told her and she stood and sat next to him flipped the first few pages of the book

"Blimey, does this have everything in it? Ingredients and all that?"
She asked as Hermione and Ron made their way over to look at the book aswell

"Yep, it's got everything."
Harry laughed but stopped as soon he was whacked over the head by Hermione

"This isn't fair Harry! People work hard for good grades and your getting them off a book!"
Hermione huffed and whacked him again the head eating a whine from him

"Don't worry Mione, your still the brightest person I know."
Lucien laughed and smiled cheekily at her as the girl rolled her eyes and walked away trying to conceal her blush

"Thanks Lu."
Hermione muttered

"It's alright, well anyways I'm going to head to bed now. You can stay till whenever."
Lucien stood up and ran up the stairs to the dormitories hearing 'night' from everyone on the sofa


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