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Lucien had spent all holiday staying at the burrow and her dads had arrived shortly after her.
She'd spent most of her time with Ron, Ginny and every now and then Fred and George.

The twins had said that she could work at the shop if she wanted but she refused saying that it wasn't for her, but she'd keep note of their offer juts in case.


It was now the 2 days before sixth year started and Lucien was nervous, she didn't want to go back to Hogwarts mainly because of the attention she would get.  Because of what happened in the Ministry all the hogwarts students and others outside of school thought of her as the 'girl who lived', they didn't know the full story and that she only absorbed a fraction of the curse and she never did die that day.

She was scared that she would lash out at someone, and show her anger. Only a small amount of people knew of it; Hermione, Harry, all the Weasleys and few of her favourite proffers, one of them being flitwick.

Her anger came from her dad Remus, being a werewolf meant that you had uncontrollable anger when you were transformed. Although Lucien wasn't an actual werewolf she had traits that went along with one; her anger for one of them and the other being her grey eyes.

She was currently laying her bed in Ginnys room, she and her had shared the entire time but Lucien managed to sneak into the boys room for a few nights every now and then.

She was staring up at the ceiling remembering all the things they'd done in the holiday: playing quidditch even though she didn't like it and wasn't very good at it, played pranks with Fred and George, helped Mr Weasley with his muggle 'artifacts' in his garage and tidied up the house for Hermione and Harry's arrival.

Speaking of Hermione she was arriving later today and Harry tomorrow.
Remembering Hermione she started wondering whether she looked different from the last time she saw her.

Lucien had certainly changed physically.
Her hair was longer and wavier and seemed to have lightened in colour, she had white streaks in her hair which she found had appeared after a week or two after the incident at ministry, she reckoned they were her own version of Harry's scar juts in her hair.
She hadn't grown much but she had been doing more work outs so she had a more muscular build than before.

She started to think More into her appearance, like her freckles on the bridge of her nose had come out more in the summer, but they were soon to fade when they returned to school.

She carried on thinking for whatever felt like minutes but was actually hours, 3 to be exact. 1 hour away from when Hermione was meant to arrive.

She jumped off her bed and started frantically tidying her bed and Ginnys room for her, she put all her jumpers away but left one on the bed where Hermione would sleep by 'accident'.

"Maybe she would pick it up keep it?"
She thought to herself

They had worn each other's jumpers many times but never kept any permanently, they always gave them back.

The next thing she knew Ron can running through the door looking as red as his hair
"Help me."
He told her as she looked at him with confusion plastered on her face

She looked over his frame and she could see the dirt all over his clothes and he smelt of sweat. 'Lovely'
"With what?"
She asked still looking at him

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