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Lucien awoke after a week of being on the hospital wing.
The first thing she woke up to was Hermione holding her hand and Harry Ron sitting by her bed.

"So you told her?"
She heard Ron ask who she assumed to be Hermione

"Well yes. But she didn't hear me, so it was pointless."
Hermione replied to Ron
None of them had notice her waking 

"What was pointless?"
Lucien asked, now fully awake.

Hermione froze in her place and slowly released her hand from Lucien's
Ron looked at the two knowing that there was gonna be one awkward conversation and he didn't want to be there for it

"Well we'll leave you two to it. Cmon Harry."
He said while drawing Harry out of his on world

"Right yeah. Enjoy."
Harry smiled at the pair
"Remember there are children that come in here as well, so no funny business please."
He told Hermione

Lucien looked to Hermione who was now looking down at her hands in her lap and had a very prominent blush on her cheeks.

"What was that all about?"
Lucien asked innocently
She had a feeling that it was about when Hermione said 'I love you.', but she wanted to hear it again. So she wasn't going to make it easy

"Oh. Nothing."
Hermione told her still not looking up from her lap
"Well actually, did you hear me say anything at the ministry?"

"Yeah I did you know, but I don't know whether it was real or not."
Lucien replied 'honestly'

Hermione quizzed her

"Yeah like whether I was hallucinating or not."
She replied as if it were obvious

"Well what exactly did you hear?
Hermione asked her again
"I could maybe help tell you if it was real."
She said, she looked up now to look at Lucien who was already looking at her.
Hermione looked away blushing madly but smiling slightly.

Lucien smiled and looked away and up to the ceiling
She flustered. She thought Cute.

"Well if I heard correctly you said that you loved me."
Lucien stated bluntly
"But then again I don't know whether I was hearing things or not."
She repeated now smirking at the smaller girl

Hermione cleared her throat and refused to look at Lucien, if she did she wouldn't be able to take her eyes off her.

"So was it true?"
Lucien asked her
"Hermione? You said you would answer and I won't judge you if it's true."
She knew it was true but she wanted to hear it for herself again.

"Fine it is true are you happy?"
Hermione snapped, she was now looking at Lucien who was wearing a shit eating grin

"Yeah I'm happy now."
She looked away again
"I knew it was true, I heard you."

Hermione looked to Lucien, she wanted to wipe that grin off her face so bad. She stood up picked her book up from the bedside table and hit her over the head with it 'lightly'

"Ow Mione what was that for?"
Lucien whisper shouted while holding her head

Hermione bent down she was eye level in front of Lucien, they were close enough that she could feel Luciens breath on her lips
"Because you made me awkward and feel humiliated for no reason."
She told her

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you
Feel like that."
She then looked down to Hermiones lips which were right in front of hers, if she could just move her head slightly forward then she would be able to kiss her.
"Can- can I kiss you?"
She asked her

"No I don't think you can. Not so cocky now are we."
Hermione replied, she stood up to her normal level and went to walk away when she was grabbed by the waist and pulled on top of Lucien.
She was lying on her back on top of Lucien, the room had suddenly gotten really hot.

"I will kiss you."
Lucien whispered to her

Hermione could practically feel Luciens smirk from behind her.

"Not yet you won't. You have to deserve it, and at this moment you don't."
Hermione retorted, she stood up again and this time was able to leave without being pulled back.

"I love you too!"
Lucien shouted trying to savour the already ruined moment, but Hermione was already gone.
She lay alone in her bed for a few minutes before Harry and Ron returned

"Alright mate?"
Ron asked her

"Yeah, I almost kissed her though."
Lucien told the boys although she was frowning

Harry shouted

"No it's not, she said she almost did."
Ron told his friend
"What happened then?"
He asked her

"Well I acted as if I didn't hear what she said in the ministry, and then when I asked if I could kiss her she said I didn't deserve it!"
She told them exasperated

"Well you didn't."
Harry told her bluntly

Shut up she thought
"Alright chosen one, I know that but I need to prove it to her her I do."

"Alright well we've got to go and pack out trunks now, the train leaves tomorrow."
Ron told her
"We haven't even started yet either."

"What about mine? I haven't packed mine though."
Lucien asked the two

"Don't worry Hermione did yours for you."
Harry replied smugly

Of course she did she thought to herself again

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then?"
She asked them hopefully
"And Harry? You can wipe that smirk off your face as well."

"Yeah juts meet us in the Gryffindor common room."
Ron said whilst trying not to laugh

"Alright, well bye then."
Lucien said to them

The two of them shouted while walking towards the exit


Sorry for short chapter

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