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It had been hard for Lucien and Harry.
Umbridge seemed to have a huge disliking to the both of them and they had been getting detentions for stupid reasons, but Harry had Ron and Lucien had Hermione.

She had to admit that her and Hermione had gotten slightly closer over the first few weeks and it was great.

They were now in charms Luciens favourite class, she was sat next to Hermione as usual, but was yet again not paying attention, she was too busy thinking about what would happen if Umbridge became Head Master of Hogwarts.

She was soon shook out of her thought to a soft hand on her lower thigh, Hermiones hand. Who seemed to notice her dazed look.

"Are you alright?"
She asked her
Not removing her hand

"Yeah, just thinking about what would happen if Umbridge becomes HeadMaster. It would be hell."
She relied while trying not to pay attention to her hand on her thigh

"I know, but hopefully that won't happen. As long as Dumbledores here."
She told her, trying to lift her spirits.
She rubbed her thigh slightly and then removed her hand and started writing notes

"I guess."
Lucien mumbled
Slightly missing the feeling on her leg

She didn't pay much attention to that lesson because she was to busy overthinking about what would happen if Umridge got more power.


It was now the end of the lesson and she was was walking with the rest of the group to their next class, potions with Snape. But they weren't going to make it to potions on time, because they were all to busy reading the decree's that filch was hanging up on the wall.

"What's this?"
She asked the trio who were all stood facing the wall which held what looked like 30 different new decrees

"I don't know mate, but there's a bloody whole lot of them."
Ron said
His eyes were scanning the wall trying to read them all at once

"She's trying to control the school, and the students. It's barbaric!"
Hermione whisper shouted from next to Harry
She looked to Lucien who shrugged her shoulder, she didn't know what was going on

"You said that in 1st year, when Ron and Harry were playing Wizards chess."
Lucien told her with a smug grin

"Did I?"
Hermione furrowed her brows and tried not to look at her for to long

She replied with an amused smile

"Oh well cool, I guess."
Little did Lucien know, this made Hermione blush because she thought it was sweet how she remembered it all the way from first year.

"What does that one say up there?"
Ron and Harry asked Hermione
He pointed to the highest one on the wall, which made it harder to read

"Honestly don't you two read?"
Hermione sighed

"You also said that in first year."
Lucien said whilst smirking slightly

Hermione heard her but decided against replying as her blush was coming back
"It says no Weasley Twins products, then another one says that boys and girls are not permitted to be with in 2 metres of each other."
Hermione said whilst putting two metres between the boys and her and Lucien

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