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The carriage ride from the station to the castle wasn't long in reality but it felt like it.
Luna and Neville had split up with Lucien to go on a separate carriage to the others as their carriage was full because Ginny was already on one, therefore there was no room for them all to fit.

When they all arrived at the castle they rejoined each other, entering through the great big wooden door, most of them would go to the gryffindor common room and the final few would find their way to the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw common rooms.

"So you two, what are you gonna do with your prefects badge now?"
Lucien asked her friends Ron and Hermione as they were walking towards the gryffindor tower

"Well we're going to use our position responsibly." she answered while glaring at Ron "and my main goal is to stop George and Fred selling the joke shop products! Honestly their good I'll give them that, but there dangerous!"
Hermione didn't give Ron a chance to respond as she gave him a glare that said shut up.
So he just carried on walking through the castle not saying anything

"Oh yeah. Disgraceful, disgusting and-"
Lucien rambled on for the time period of getting from the entrance, to going there separate ways to their commons rooms.

The four made the way to the gryffindor common room entrance, where the group would have to split up as Lucien was a Hufflepuff and Luna was a Ravenclaw

"I'll see you at lunch."
Hermione waved to Luna beefier turning to Lucien who was further down the corridor than her
"Oh and Lu?"
Hermione shouted to her down the hallway

"Yes Mione?"
She shouted back
She turned to Luna and told her to wait for her while she spoke with Hermione before facing back to her

"You don't have to pretend to agree with me on the twins."
She shouted smirking, knowing she was right
And she walked off whilst waving to her 'friend'


Lucien never ate at the Hufflepuff table, she was one of the only mistakes the Sorting hat made, she was sorted into Hufflepuff but everyone knew she belonged in Gryffindor even the Slytherins admitted it.

"Hey so does anyone know who the new DADA teacher is?"
She asked her Hermione
She went to open her mouth to reply but was cut off by Dumbledore starting his speech

"I'll tell you later."
She mouthed to Lucien who nodded and turned back to Dumbledore who's speech only lasted 2 minutes because he was interrupted by a women dressed fully in pink.

"Does she not know never to interrupt Dumbledore?"
She asked to nobody in particular

Everyone around her shushed her.
"Only asking a question."
She thought to herself

The pink woman carried on with her speech, but Lucien wasn't paying attention, she was staring at her best friend Hermione . She loved brushing her fingers through her hair, holding her hand, and just hugging her. Overall she just loved  her .

She could never feel the same though

Oh Except She did. Hermione also loved holding her hands, hugging her and being given piggybacks. As childish as it sounds they loved piggybacks, they would run around the castle from class to class on each other backs. They got given glares and they heard whispers about their childishness but they frankly couldn't care less. It was fun and that was all that mattered. Hermione was thinking the same.

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