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The Howard's students had been at school for almost 3 weeks, it was September 19th and also Hermiones birthday.

Lucien, Harry and Ron had been pestering the girl to ideas of what she wanted to do for it but all they got was 'nothing' or 'you don't have to do anything' and it was annoying as fuck.


"So any ideas on what we could do?"
Lucien asked the two boys as she sat on the sofa and the boys sat on the chairs by the the table

Harry looked up at her and shook his head and diverted his eyes to the fire that was burning on the other side of the room.

She then asked Ron the same question but was ignored, not even a look in her direction

"I told you that I don't want or need anything."
Lucien spun round to see Hermione standing in front of her with her arms full of books.

"And you think by telling me this, that it will stop me?"
She smirked and raised an eyebrow challenging the other girl

"Nope. But if you are going to anything, please don't make it a whole school thing, you know what I'm like in situations like that."
Hermione moved round the sofa to sit next to her and lay back resting her head on the back of the cushions

"So you'll let me do something-"
She looked to the boys who were raising thejr eyebrows at her and continued
"-let US do something?"
She asked and Hermione nodded before smirking at the three

She smiled cheekily at the trio
"But I'm only free for an hour today and that's from 12:00 till 1:00."
She quickly stood up and ran up to the girls dorms, knowing they neither Lucien or the boys could get in

Ron stood up grabbed his parchment that he'd been working on stuffed it in his bag before turning back to Lucien
"Um, you don't mind if you, you know. Do it all do you?"
He asked and The girl glared at him before huffing and standing up abruptly, making Harry jump slightly

"Yes. Yes of course I'll do it all, like I always do-"
Her voice droned on and slowly got quieter as she got further away from the Gryffindor common room


"So we're ready then?"
Lucien asked the boys and everyone else who had come for Hermione's birthday

Lucien had set up a 'party' for Hermione in the Hufflepuff common room since she remembered how they both enjoyed spending time there. She also invited Luna and a few other gryffindors like Neville, Dean and Seamus, she'd listened to what Hermione had asked for and it wasn't anything big that she had planned.

"Yep all the presents are over there-"
Ron pointed to the table near the window
"-I juts hope she'll like it. You know?"

"Oh Ron I'm sure she will after all Lucien planned it for her."
Luna sighed placed a flower crown on his head which had little charms hanging off the sides, it was only juts brighter than his hair

"Yeah. Probably."
Ron clears his throat and looked around before turning back to Luna who was staring into nothing while they waited for Hermiones arrival
"This for the nargles then?"
He asked and pointed to the crown on his head

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