22 Fuck you, Monty!

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It was Monday. We had a short recess before the last class of the day, and I was at my locker switching out my geometry book for my English book. I heard something going on down the hall. People were laughing, howling and making a real commotion about something. Normally I would just roll my eyes and avoid it when something like that happened, because it's usually not a good sign, so I have no idea what made me go over there to se what was going on. I couldn't see anything but peoples backs, so I started making my way into the crowd to get a glimpse of what was going on. It was like people moved aside and made room for me when they saw me, but I didn't think much about it at the time. As I reached the center of the crowd it all made sense as my fear was confirmed. In the open circle in the middle of the mass of students I found Monty. He was angry. His nose was flaring and his eyes was burning with rage. He had a black eye and was bleeding from his eyebrow. He resembled the old Monty. On the floor in front of him was Chase, his nose was bleeding, his lip was split and he was struggling to get back on his feet. I was stunned, and for a while I just stood there looking at them horrified. I didn't want to believe it. Monty met my eyes and his expression changed. All the anger was suddenly gone and replaced with another feeling. Guilt. I raced through a lot of feelings in just seconds. Confusion, regret, anger, sadness... What had happened? Why would Monty do this? How could I ever let him close to me? I knew this would happen. Change? Huh, what a joke! My body settled with the feeling of anger. I didn't say a word, just walked right past him headed for the exit. "Wait, Maya. Let me explain", he said as I passed him, but I ignored him and just kept walking. I heard footsteps behind me, and Monty grabbed my arm and spun me around to stop me. "Just hear me out", he begged. "Don't touch me!", I snarled and ripped my arm from his grip. I pushed him away from me with all my force, making him stumble backwards a few steps and hit his back against the lockers. "Fuck you, Monty!", I spat at him and walked off. I could hear him call out my name behind me, but I didn't turn around. I just kept walking straight out of school. Straight home.

I didn't go to acting class that week. I knew he would be there. I ignored his never ending stream of calls and didn't read a single one of his texts. I heard the doorbell ring at least once a day, but I had instructed my mum not to let him in. I was completely heartbroken. Had this all just been a game to him? Did he ever even try to change? Was it all just an act? I hated him, but mostly I hated my self. I hated my self for giving him a chance. I hated myself for believing him. I hated myself for letting myself fall in love with him. How stupid was I? I have been seeing what kind of person he is for years, and still I buy into his lies. I knew he was a liar, I knew he was a bully and I knew he was an asshole. I knew it so damn well, and still I let him get to me like every other girl blinded by his looks and popularity.

I spent almost a week in bed, heartbroken and wallowing in self pity, before my mum finally had enough. "You can not spend the rest of your life in bed.  At some point you have to go back out there and face life", she said. And she had a point. I texted Jenna asking her if she wanted to walk to school together.

Seeing him again was painful. I wanted to run up to him and punch him in the face, but I also wanted to throw myself around his neck and cry. I hated him, but I was still in love with him, and the mix of emotions I was feeling made me want to throw up.  I ignored him all day. Every time he came up to me I just walked away. Every time he tried to meet my eyes I made sure not to look in his direction. Every time he tried to talk to me I pretended not to hear him. I was acting childish, and I was aware of that, but I had nothing to say to him anyway. And I was certainly not interested in hearing what he had to say. Our relationship and our friendship was over, and I had no idea why he would continue these games. When the school-day ended I saw him stand by his car and watch Jenna and I as we started walking home. Did he really think I was going to ask him for a ride? Jenna did her best to avoid the topic and cheer me up on the way home. She went on and on about cheerleading and as usual I pretended to listen, until we finally reached her house and I proceeded to walk the last block back home alone.

Should Maya forgive him? Or at least hear him out?

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