10 Sleepover

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Thursday after dinner Jenna called me to talk about her new crush and that she was going to try out for the cheerleading squad. I pretended to be interested in what she was talking about, and I was about to make up an excuse to hang up. "So what's been going on with you? You've been so up and down lately", she asked. " I've just been going through some stuff with a friend. It's complicated", I replied. "Oh, like a friend-friend or... boyfriend?", she asked again, obviously intrigued. "He's not my boyfriend". "Ooooh, so it's a he. Who is it?" "It doesn't really matter. You'll just think I've gone crazy". "Try me". "You wouldn't even believe it if I told you. You'll just give me a lecture" "Come ooon. Tell me!" "Fine, it's... it's Monty". "Yeah, right. But really though, you know you can trust me, Maya. Please, tell me. I will not tell a living soul, I promise", she begged. I decided to tell her the whole story. From the moment he walked into acting class, up until that very moment when she called.

"Wow! If it wasn't coming from you I wouldn't have believed it", she said baffled. "I still don't know if I really believe it myself", I admitted. "Promise you'll keep me updated. I want to know everything", she extatically. "Sure", I chuckled, "as long as you keep it to yourself". "You know I will! Gotta go. Bye!", she said, and hung up. I checked the time. It was half past nine already. We must have been speaking on the phone for at least two hours. I also noticed I had received a message from Monty. "You home?", I read. I wrote him back yes, and it took approximately 2 minutes before he was standing outside my window, knocking. "Am I gonna regret showing you how this window works?", I joked as I opened it. "Probably", he joked back, raising his shoulders. I let him in and he sat down on my bed. "I know it's late. I'm sorry for just showing up like this, but I had nowhere else to go.", he said, suddenly sounding serious. He looked stressed and sad. "Do you want to talk about it?", I asked and sat down next to him. "Not really", he said, giving me a sad smile. "I just can't be home right now", he explained. "Alright" I said. I didn't really know what to do or say. He probably had another fight with his parents. If he doesn't want to talk about I'm not gonna make him. I started up my PlayStation and turned the TV towards where we were sitting on the bed. I found the box of movies I had in my closet and dumped it in his lap. "Pick one", I said. I put on the movie he had chosen and got comfortable next to him. " I'll leave as soon as I know my parents have gone to bed", he said, and he seemed to relax a bit more. I didn't have the heart to tell him how sleepy I actually was.

The alarm clock on my phone ringing and vibrating in my pocket was what woke me up. I was still sitting in bed resting my head on the shoulder of a sleeping Monty. I guess I wasn't the only one who was tired last night. I shook him gently and whispered his name, but he just grunted in his sleep. "Monty, we have to get ready for school", I whispered a bit louder. I didn't really want to wake him up. He looked so innocent, vulnerable and cute in his sleep, but we had to get to school. He finally opened his eyes, and at first he looked just as confused as I probably did when I first woke up. "Shit, I fell asleep", he said. "No worries", I replied while trying to find a change of clothes, "I'm just happy my parents left before I did, because my mother would never let me hear the end of this", I joked and he laughed. I went to the bathroom to get ready, and when I came back Monty was gone. Did he just leave? Not a goodbye? No nothing? I guess there's quite a bit of douche left in him after all, I thought to my self, but my thoughts was interrupted my an unfamiliar sound coming from somewhere in the house. I went to investigate and found Monty in the kitchen with a mouth full of dry cereal. "Sorry, I was hungry", he mumbled with his mouth full. I shook my head lightly, found a bowl and placed it in front of him along with a carton of milk. "If you're gonna steal my food at least do it properly", I joked. "Thanks", he smiled. I packed lunch for the both of us while he ate, and noticed something was off. "New t-shirt?", I asked a bit confused, as I realized that it was not the same as he had been wearing last night. "I had a spare in the car. The perk of being an athlete", he said, jokingly flexing his muscles.

We left the house and I locked the door behind us. "See you at school", I said and headed for the direction of the bus. "Wait, are you serious?", he yelled after me when I had gotten across the yard. I stopped and turned. "What?", I yelled back. "You're not gonna let me take you to school?", he asked. "You didn't offer", I said, raising my shoulders. "Get in the car, you idiot", he laughed.

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