19 What if...?

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It was prom-night, and for once I was obsessing over hair, clothes and makeup. I had gone a little heavier on the makeup, and my hair was curled and pulled away form my face with a few bobby-pins. So far so good. I had bought a cute and classic blue dress for the occasion, but there was another dress that I could not stop thinking about. A couple of years ago my mum bought a purple dress, and I was so pretty. It was a bit more bold than the blue dress. It was shorter, tighter and showed some cleavage. I was debating in my head. The blue dress was definitely the safest and easiest choice, and it was a lot more "me". But then again, what about this whole situation is really "me"? 1. I'm going to prom, 2. I'm going to prom with a date, and 3. I'm going to prom with freakin Montgomery de la Cruz... The last 6 months of my life have been very much out of the ordinary. If I'm willing to take such a big risk with Monty, then I might as well take a small risk with my wardrobe. Maybe it's time to see that I actually have stared a new chapter in my life, and that the me that I was is no longer the me that I am...

The doorbell rang and I knew it must be Monty coming to pick me up. He had suggested renting a limo, but I thought that was a bit over the top, so he was just going to drive. I grabbed my purse and went out to see him. I entered the hallway, and there he was, looking breathtakingly handsome in his classic black tux. "Wow", he said when he saw me come in, looking me up and down in my purple dress. "You look amazing", he grinned. "Thanks", I blushed. My mum was already standing with the camera in her hands, ready to make memories. We made some silly poses for her, but she wasn't pleased that she didn't get a serious and normal picture of us. I didn't care. It's not like I'm ever going to forget this moment anyway. We said bye to mum and dad, and went out the door. He grabbed my hand as we walked over to the car. "You really do look amazing", he repeated. "So do you", I smiled back. He stopped in front of the car and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his hands around my waist. "I'm really happy you wanted to go with me", he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and reached up, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. As my lips parted from his he pulled me right back in for a hug. First the left side, then the right side. He was acting very strange. "What's going on?", I asked, rather concerned. "Nothing. I'm just making sure you mum get the pictures she wanted", he said, chuckling. I turned to see my mother in the window, grinning, with the camera in one hand and giving Monty a thumbs up with the other hand. "Idiots", I mumbled, and got in the car. Monty laughed and waved at my mum before he got in the car too.

We were sitting in the car, and my mind was all over the place. I loved the thing we had going. The last week we had acted as if we were a couple and I had let my guard down a bit. I was in love with him, no doubt, and it had been everything I hoped it would be. At the same time I was scared to let him in all the way. For years I had hated him and been terrified of him. I've watched him ruin people. He had changed, but there was still a tiny doubt in my mind. What if he goes back to his previous ways? What if it's me that gets ruined next time? What if...? But what if not? What if he stays this way, but get tired of chasing me? What if I ruined everything, just because I couldn't give him a chance? What if he changes back to the way he was, because he got tired of chasing me when I couldn't let him in and it would all be my fault? He has done so much to be the man he thinks I deserve, while I still haven't let go of the past. I know he's not going chase me forever. I have to make a choice, and I have to do it now. Either I let him down easy and hope for the best, even thought I will loose him completely, or I have to actually start this new chapter I had been thinking about earlier and take this chance with him. If I let him down I will loose him for sure, and it would break me. If I give him a chance, there's still a chance that I might loose him and get broken, so why not give it a chance? What if it works out and I get to be his girl? I feel like I owe him at least a chance, and maybe I owe I to myself too? Maybe it's time to stop playing it safe, and realize that change could be a good thing? Don't I deserve to just be in love? I had made my decision, and I had made it just in time as we pulled into the parking lot at school. Tonight will be a test run. I'm going to just go with the flow and be in love. Whatever happens I will not over-analyze it, and I will go with my instincts. For tonight I'm just a girl going to prom with the guy she's in love with. Tonight I'll be Monty's girl.

We walked inside holding hands, and met up with Jenna and Adam at the entrance. They had arrived minutes before we did. "You came! And you look fantastic!", Jenna squealed and threw herself into my arms. Monty and Adam did some kind of complicated handshake in the background. It's a baseball-thing, I guess. "So you two are dating?", I heard Adam ask Monty. I could tell that Monty didn't really know what to answer. "Yes, we are", I said. Monty turned and looked at me with a shocked expression, but it quickly got replaced by a wide grin. "So now you're dating?", Jenny asked me while raising one eyebrow, as we walked into the school. The boys was walking ahead of us so they couldn't hear. "I decided to try something new", I said, shrugging. Jenna just nodded. Knowing me as well as she did, I think she actually knew what I meant and what had been going through my head these last months. I had a great night. I danced, talked and laughed. The night was everything I hoped it would be, and gave me a clear answer that going with my instinct and stop thinking could be a good thing. I went all in with Monty, sitting on his lap, playing with his hair and making out during a slow dance. He had stars in his eyes, and seemed to be very happy with the night too. Jenna and I even spent time with the jocks, getting to know some of the guys that seemed cool. All in all it was a perfect night, and I was sad when it was over and time to go home. We said a quick goodbye to Jenna and the guys before we left.

"Did you have a good night?", he asked on the drive home. "It was perfect!", I grinned, making him grin too. "It really was", he agreed.


Do you think she should give Monty a chance? Do you think she'll get her heart broken?

Please leave a like and/or a comment to let me know what you think<3

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