9 Hand in hand

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"So are we friends again?", he asked. "Sure, just don't expect me to sit with you and your jocks at lunch", I joked. "What? But I already saved you a seat", he joked back. "So... finally I can ask the question that has been bugging me all night: what on earth are you doing here?", he chuckled. "I don't even know. I came with Jenna but I haven't seen her since we walked through the door", I explained, "I was actually thinking about heading home". "Are you walking home?" "Yes" "I'll walk with you... if you want", he offered. Actually I was kind of scared of the dark, and the thought about walking home alone in the dead of night was anything but appealing. "Sure", I said.

"It's so dark and quiet. So strange", I said as we walked down the street that normally was full of people, cars and noise. I usually enjoy peace and quiet, but this was different. I found it kind of eerie how different it was at night. "Are you scared?", Monty asked. I could barely see him in the darkness. This part of the road didn't even have streetlights. "Don't laugh! I usually don't go out at night", I said, my voice probably shaking a bit. I heard him giggle anyway, but I knew I was being stupid and overdramatic. Then he grabbed my hand. "Don't worry. I'm looking out for you", he said as our fingers intertwined. And just like that I wasn't scared anymore. I actually felt safer than I can remember to have felt in years. Who would have ever thought that Montgomery de la Cruz would make me feel this way?! We walked and talked, hand in hand, all the way home, and as we reached my house I lead the way around the back. It had gotten pretty late so I decided to use my bedroom window instead of the front door. I didn't want to wake my parents. The window in my bedroom was almost the size of a door, reaching from the floor and almost all the way up to the ceiling. And it opened sideways like a door would. My parents and I used to joke about it being the secret backdoor, and it had saved all of our asses several times when we had lost or forgotten our keys. I knew it might be late before I got back, so I had left a crack on the widow before I left for the party. "Oh. Sneaky", Monty smirked as I opened the window all the way up. "Thank you for tonight", I said, and instinctively gave him a hug. He let go of my hand to put his arms around me and hug back. "My pleasure", he replied. It was a long hug, and I tried to ignore the stupid butterflies in my stomach going bananas, to soak up the feeling of his embrace. He pulled half way out of the hug to look at me. Those god damn eyes of his... it felt like I could stare into them forever. He had the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. "I really like you", he said, suddenly seeming a bit nervous. "I really like you too", I smiled. He smiled back. "To be honest, I think you're the closest friend I got", I continued. His eyes fell to the ground for a second before looking back at me. I thought I heard him let out a soft sigh. He pushed a loose strand of hair back behind my ear with his thumb. I felt a new kind of tension build up. "I should get to bed", I said. It felt like my knees was about to turn to jelly, and I was scared that I was so drunk I would try to kiss him if I didn't kill this tension right away. "Okay", he said, and released me from his half-embrace. "Good night". "Good night", he replied, and by the time I had gotten inside he was gone. Right then and there I regretted not inviting him in, but deep down I knew I did the right thing saying goodbye.

Weeks flew by a lot faster now that we were friends again. We had a few stolen looks and conversations at school, and at acting class we'd always meet up outside and walk in together. He even drove me home several times after class. I felt complete again. I really had missed him.

At school Ï was putting some of my books back in my locker between classes, when I overheard a conversation going on in the classroom right next to me. Usually I wouldn't listen to other people's private conversation like that, but I recognized Montys voice and just couldn't help myself. "Nah, dude. I'm actually found someone. I'm just gonna focus on trying to reel her in", Monty said. "Say what? You? Bro, are you high?", the other voice chuckled. "Shut up, asshole", he chuckled back. "I'm just surprised. She must really be something special to tame you like that", the guy said. "She is", Monty replied. "Hey, good for you, dude. You could really use someone to knock you down a few steps", he joked again. "No, but really. I hope it works out for you". As happy as I was to hear him try to open up to someone and actually get a supportive response, I felt my heart sink. I was jealous. Why was I jealous? It was never anything like that between us. We were just friends, and nothing ever implied otherwise. It must be those damn eyes. I was no different than the rest of the girls at this school, and I had fallen a lot harder for him than I thought I had. I should be happy. He's making an effort to change, and it seems to have gone well for him this far. At least he found one good guy among the jocks. And maybe this girl he's interested in will have a positive influence on him.


What do you think? Should Maya have invited him in?

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