23 I'm sorry

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I was deep in thought as I arrived at home and started walking towards the front door. Something snapped me back to reality, and it took me a second to see what it was. Someone was sitting on the step outside in front of the door. My eyes realized who it was before my brain did, and I felt my gut twitch. "Please", he pleaded, as he stood up and started walking towards me. His eyes was filled with sadness and regrets, but I was still too mad to let it get to me. I just sighed annoyed and turned away from him to walk in the other direction. "Please!", he yelled. His voice cracked, and the frustration and pain in his voice felt like it tried to drill it's way through my back and into my heart. I felt my eyes fill with tears, but swallowed the lump it my throat and held on to the anger. What could he possibly say that would change anything? There's nothing he can say. There's nothing he can do. I had spent hours going through in my head what could possibly make this right or explain why it happened, and I found nothing.

I didn't hear him run after me, but suddenly he was blocking my way by standing in front of me. For the first time in what had felt like forever, but really was just a week, our eyes met. Looking into those intense brown eyes felt like I was being hit by a train. I didn't know how much I had missed it. I had forgotten how much it made me feel. I had forgotten how weak they made me. "Listen to me!", he demanded, his voice filled with a mix of pain and anger. "Give me one good reason!", I practically spat at him. "You don't even know what happened. Let me explain", he begged. The anger in his voice was gone and had been replaced with frustration. I didn't say anything, just glared at him in the most uninterested way I could manage. "I had a good reason. He was a bad guy and he really deserved it", Monty continued. "Really? That's your good excuse? He was a bad guy? Well, guess what? So are you!", I said. "If I tell you the whole story... I don't even think you want to know what he did", he said. "Try me!", I spat at him again. "Can't you just trust me when I say that he deserved it? Please?", he kept begging. "Trust you?", I sneered. He sighed. "He did something to you, and then it kind of just escalated from there", he said. He avoided eye contact now, like it was making him uncomfortable to tell me this. "Tell me the whole story or get the fuck off my lawn", I said, tying to sound confident but probably sounded a bit scared. What could Chase have done to me? If it was so horrible I would have known about it... right?

"He had a picture of you and a couple other girls  in your class", Monty finally admitted. "What kind of picture?", I asked. "A picture taken in the locker room after gym class. A picture that you wouldn't want people to see", he finally met my eyes. He was clearly waiting for my reaction, not sure how I would take it. I didn't really know what I was feeling. Anger, embarrassment, fear, sadness... all feelings I should have felt, but I have no words to describe what feeling was twisting in my guts. It was a feeling I'd never felt before. "He sent me the picture saying how hot you were and a lot of nasty things he wanted to do to you. He probably tried to get some kind of reaction out of me, thinking he could use the picture as some kind of leverage or blackmail or something. So I confronted him about it and told him to delete it. Of course, he refused to do that and started threatening to pass it around school if I didn't leave him alone, so I snatched the phone out of his hand and deleted it. He went completely livid, but I just tossed his phone back to him and was gonna leave. John had my back and blocked Chase from coming after me, but Chase knocked him out. I turned and saw Chase kept kicking John while he was on the ground. John was knocked out cold but Chase continued to kick him over and over, and that's when I snapped", Monty told me, all while looking at the ground. "John wasn't even there", I said, doubting him. "The guys picked him up and rushed him to the school nurse as soon as I could get Chase off him", he explained.

A wave of guilt came rushing over me. Monty didn't do anything wrong. He did everything right. He had been standing up for both me and John, trying to protect us. And here I was trying to blame him for everything. Not speaking to him, not letting him explain, refusing to listen. I was being the bad guy. Monty was not an asshole or a bully. He was a Hero! My hero! My eyes filled with tears as I thought about what I had put us through, how I had treated him and how he must have felt. I never gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Monty, I'm so sorry", I whispered, trying to hold back the tears I didn't realize was already streaming down my face. He took a step towards me and wiped a tear off my cheek. He gave me a sad smile, but seemed relieved it was all over and out in the open. He pulled me in for a warm embrace and rested his head on top of mine. I sobbed into his chest, repeatedly whispering "I'm so sorry"...
Do you think Monty did the right thing? Or should he have handled it differently?
And did he do the right thing by telling Maya?

Please leave a like and/or a comment to let me know what you guys think<3

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